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"Put on a shirt, William," Olivia screamed at her brother, who was playing basketball shirtless.

"Shut up, Olivia, dont you see Im busy," he yelled back.

"Miss. Hargrove, what are you doing here" asked the coach walking closer to where she was sitting on the bleachers. "Homework," she said, pointing at her book with her pencil.

"You can't be here unless you want to join the team," the coach said, holding up a clipboard.

"I rather not," she said, getting her stuff into her bag. She walked down the bleachers seeing how her brother won against Steve.

She found an empty classroom and took a seat on one of the desks; she got out her book opening, and she got her paper to the side, continuing with her algebra II homework.

Almost done with her homework, the door opened, two students walking in kissing each other stumbled to the teachers desk. "What the hell do you two mind," she said, getting up from her chair. They both broke apart, surprised to see her there. "Get out," the girl said, fixing her bangs.

"I was here first. Why dont you two go and make out somewhere else." Olivia pointed to the door.

The couple looked at each other and smiled, crashing their lips. Seeing that they didnt care and they werent going to stop, Olivia shoved her things in her bag.

"I hate this stupid school. And I hate you assholes," she screamed at them walking out the door.

Turning around, she bumped into someone. "Shit, can my day get any worse."

"Hey, I thought we were friends," said Steve. His hair was wet from the shower after practice.

"Oh, its only you. Since when are we friends," she asked, moving her head a bit to the side.

"Well, I gave you a ride home." "And that makes us friends, really? It was that simple, and no one told me."

"That and I got you this," Steve said, getting something out from his bag.

"My knife," Olivia said happily. "You left it in my car. I thought you might want it back," he said, handing out her knife. "Thank you, Stevie."

"Mhm yeah, Steve will be just fine."

"Whatever you say, Stevie," she said, smiling and putting the knife inside her bag.

Steve and Olivia were walking out of the school. They were talking when Olivia saw her brother getting in his car with a girl with brown hair. He drove off, Olivia ran, "you fucking asshole."

Her brother was gone, meaning she didnt have a ride home "fuck, my day keeps getting worse."

"You know which one is my car," Steve said, catching up to her. "Thank you."

They both walked to Steve's car.

"I dont know why you don't want me to drop you off in front of your house," Steve asked as they were approaching Olivia's house. She had told him again to stop a few blocks away from her house. "For what so my brother can see you and beat you up," she said, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Your brother won't beat me up; I can take him," he said confidently. Olivia laughed "no offense Steve, but I dont think you can."

He placed a hand on his heart, pretending to be offended. "I thought we were friends, Ollie."

"W-what did you call me?"

"Ollie, you call me Stevie. Thats what friends do; they give each other nicknames." Olivia scrunched her nose "don't call me that I dont like it."

"Stop calling me Stevie."


"Then I wont; you give me no choice Ollie."

"Ugh," she rolled her eyes and got out of his car, "bye Stevie."

He drove off while she was walking to her house when she heard a weird noise. No one was around her; she looked at the trees nearby, the wind was moving the leaves, and she heard it again.

She followed the sound Olivia was walking slowly, looking at her surroundings, not seeing anything out of the ordinary until she saw it. There was a small creature eating a few birds. The creature had a long tail, four legs, and looked like a weird dog. But the weirdest thing was that it had a mouth that opened like a petal.

"What the hell," Olivia said, not moving; she could not look away as the small monster in front of her was eating those birds. She wanted to have a closer look, as she took a step, leaves under her made a crunching sound.

The monster looked at her and opened his petal mouth "shit," her eyes widened in horror; she ran as fast as she could, trying to find her way back; she didn't go deep into the woods her house should be near.

She looked back as the monster was getting closer, she got a branch and threw it. The monster caught it in his mouth and easily crushed it "shit shit shit."

Looking forward, she tripped over a rock; she quickly got a few rocks that were near and threw them, hitting the monster but not doing great damage. It only gave her enough time to get back up and continue running.

She saw the road ahead; she could see her house, she was closer. Bright lights were getting near her; she looked to her right; it was a car coming her way.

She closed her eyes and brought her hands to her face. At that moment, she wished she could die by being eaten by a monster she has never seen before rather than being run over by a car.

The car stopped centimeters away from her "Olivia, what the hell," her brother screamed. "I could have run you over," he said, getting out of his car. "I would never hear the end of it from dad," he said, getting closer to her.

"Billy, we have to go," she looked back, scared. She pulled his arm to the car "what are you on about."

"Billy, I'm not joking. I saw I- I don't know what I saw, but it's not safe, come on."

In the car, Olivia looked back; she was breathing heavily and sweating from her forehead. One of her knees was slightly bleeding, her hair a mess from the fall. Her heart was beating fast.

Billy saw her from the rearview mirror. "Are you sure you're alright?" She didn't say anything while looking at the trees. "Olivia, are you on drugs?" Billy asked, seeing her weird behavior. "What! No, are you on drugs," she asked back, looking at him from the rearview mirror.

"Im just asking; Im not going to take the blame for you. Whatever weird shit you are doing, don't get me involved."

Olivia went to her room, not talking to anyone; she closed her door and looked out the window. One of her hands went through her brown hair. "It wasnt real," she repeated to herself.

"I hate this town," Olivia said, covering her face with her hands.

That night Olivia didn't sleep much.

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