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School had ended for the day. Olivia was sitting in the car waiting for Max; it was getting late. Max walked to the car "if you're late again, you're going to skate home. Do you hear me?" Billy said to her.

"You sit in the front this time," Olivia told Max. Max got in the car; Billy dropped his cigarette on the floor.

There was a song on the radio playing "this place is such a shithole," said Billy.

"Is not that bad," said Max looking at Billy.

"We haven't even been here that long," Olivia said from the back.

Billy pulled the window of the car down and inhaled deeply. "Mm! You smell that Max and Olivia? That's actually shit cow shit," Billy said, covering his nose.

"I don't see any cows."

"Clearly, you haven't met the high school girls," said Billy. Olivia hits him in the back of the head.

He scoffs, "so what you two like it here now."

"No," Max and Olivia say at the same time.

"We are stuck here. Where else are we supposed to go," said Olivia, annoyed. "You're right, Olivia were stuck here, and whose fault is that," Billy said, looking at Max.

"Yours," Max said, looking at the window, but Billy heard her.

"What did you say," Billy said angrily.


"You think it's my fault."

"No," said Max, shaking her head.

"Let's agree it's everyone's fault, alright," said Olivia from the back.

Billy ignored her "you know whose fault it is. Say it." Max didn't say anything, "say it!" Billy shouted.

He was driving faster, hitting the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song playing on the radio.

"William, stop!" said Olivia.

"Billy slow down," said Max, seeing three kids on their bikes.

"Oh, are these your new hick friends," Billy said, pointing at the boys.

"No! I don't know them."

"I guess you won't care if I hit them then?" Olivia leaned closer, "Billy slow down." He shoved her with his hand.

"I get bonus points if I hit them all in one go," Billy said, not caring.

"You asshole, they're just children," Olivia said, a bit worried they were getting closer to them.

"Billy, it's not funny," said Max looking at her older stepbrother.

"Come on, Billy, it's not funny."

"Stop Billy."

Olivia got up and leaned to the front, moving the steering wheel; Max helped her. The tires screeched on the road as they swerved to the other side. "Yeah! That was a close one, huh," Billy said, loudly laughing.

Max turned around to see the three boys getting up and looking at her.

"You are fucking insane, Billy," Olivia screamed at him; he only laughed.


It was later in the day. Olivia was inside Billy's car waiting for him. "What are you doing in my car," Billy said as he got closer to his car. "I'm going to that lame party." "You're not even wearing a custom," he said, trying to find any excuse for her not to go.

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