21: Taisho Era: Older than anyone

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Idea from DelightAce

Idea from DelightAce

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Year 1910, Japan

Credit: Song: Blackbear – Falling

Much to his taste he was walking in the winter night, he much preferred his kimono over everything but sadly it grew old over the years and he had to dispose of it, so he asked a tailor to fix something ‘new’ that had the designs of his kimono over it.

So there he was wearing a tuxedo – it was not what he wanted but wore it either way.

It was annoying how it chock his neck.

Over the years his reign grew he created a family – the Demon Moons that had Upper- and Lower Moons, it was a very chaotic group but he enjoyed with them.

He loved the stories he would hear from Daki and Gyutaro told each day whenever they had gossip that happened in every house at the Red Light District close by Tokyo.

Douma was the one that took them in and brought them to Muzan. Douma was emotionless but faked emotions he would see other’s use making Muzan always scold him for faking them. Muzan loved whenever Douma used his real emotions – even if he did not have any.

Douma’s wife, Kotoha, passed away from illness and Inosuke was taken away a bit after that those small positive emotions sadly felt with the two.

Muzan tried his best to handle Hantengu that was very scared of the smallest things, it made Muzan rethink to why the demon was the fourth strongest in the group.

Hantengu had a very tear dropping story filled with so much emotions It made Muzan’s hearts ache for him. Muzan had saved him from death many times as human before fully taking him in.

Gyokko was a baby when Muzan took him in, but when he was a teen made him a demon. Gyokko loved fishes and vase. Nakime taught him how to make them, Nakime told him that the prettiest Vases are most adored.

It stuck the boy that he made the prettiest vases and sculpture to let them be sold later on.

They all called Muzan ‘Father’ or ‘Grandfather ‘ (courtesy of Daki and Gyutaro) it made Muzan feel a warmth in his chest but still he missed something – or someone. But he did not dare try to find her or even remember her.

He reached a cottage that was high up a mountain he realized that the door as busted open and the familiar and hateful scent of death came from there making him teleport there with speed. His hand grasped the side of the door and opened the door.

He saw a demon feasting on the corpses.

“what the hell?” the demon turned his head, “this is my territory scum.”

Muzan scoffed, “Have you ever heard to respect your superiors, demon?” his voice echoed of many voices one deeper than others or the tones were also ecstatic.

The demon trembled as Muzan grabbed his head and made his cells kill him as the body melted in a puddle of goo then faded to ashes.

Muzan recognized those eyes, the white pupils.

“Kamado?” his eyes were wide, the father wasn’t around, could he save them? He made a promise to Ruka, he had to save one of them!

He started to see who was still breathing or at least warm! Until he reached the girl on the door her body covered the body of a toddler her hair was dark brown and Muzan crouched own before her. But when his fingers brushed her cheek to feel her temperature.

His eyes widened, “Nezuko?”

He did not expect to find her there. She was there, before him. He could save her. Like that his hand inched closer and his blue colored nail pierced her arm that held the boy close.

“I may have given up on you, but that does not mean I will let you die like this. He kissed the crown on her head before whispering in her ear, “do not eat humans, protect them. I hope you find peace to forgive me.”

His scent was all over the place but did not think over it before went off. The sun was soon to come up and he preferred staying alive to see how he could get killed another way than just the sun.

He wished to feel the sunrays first before getting killed, but he has not found a way yet.

He now had a family (aside from the Demon Moons) that he had to take care of, Haruka was his daughter’s name thalt he had taken in with her mother after they ran away.

Even if the girl knew he wasn’t her birth father she had liked him and called him ‘father’ as if he wasn’t a demon. The little girl and the mother knew but ignored it and accepted him as how he was.

He preferred staying alive for his daughter and wife (that he did not love).


Year 1921, Japan, Sagiri Mountain

It all flashed behind her closed eyelids as her body burned like she was in boiling water before her body jerked forard and her eyes snapped open. Something held her lips shut and she recognized it was that bamboo muzzle from that half-and-half haori dude that she disliked.

Her head turned to the side as her eyes met with a very unknown cottage. The scent in the room was filled with her brother’s and from the man with that red tengu mask.

She got up as she sensed her brother close. She brought her leg up and broke the door. For some reason she felt different than normally – aside that she knew she was a demon.

The night sky was beautiful but it rought a kind of sadness to her and remembered why.

She turned to her brother who had blood under his bandages and held his body up by a wooden stick as his body fell forward after he called her name.

She ran to him and hugged his head close with a blank face, Muzan we will meet soon.

She realized her brother grew a few inches taller than her from when she had last laid eyes on him. How long was it? She knew she was asleep, but she was thankful she was because now she remembered her past and who she was.

Her pink eyes glanced to the man that hugged them, did he know who she was? was it the reason he easily let her live?

Her pink eyes glanced to the man that hugged them, did he know who she was? was it the reason he easily let her live?

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