17: Sengoku Era: Red Lily (she was never yours)

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Year 1410, Japan

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Year 1410, Japan

Credit: Song: Mother Mother – Body

“what an interesting human, do you not think so, sister?” Muzan mused with  straight face ignoring his tone he was overly terrifying due to how cold his eyes were.

Ruka shook her head, “for he is like any human I have seen, brother.” The male before them that at down asking them to make him a demon was something amusing.

Even Tamayo that was there was overly surprised by his choice of words, he decided to betray his own kind like that? It made the younger demon so confused at that moment.

Muzan too was confused at the man’s decision, did he lack some brain cells? “Are you sure, human?”

He nodded, “I shall do anything to surpass my brother,” he confessed pressing his forehead on the roof tiles making himself a ‘stepping stone’ for the superior demons.

Michikatsu was not sure if she would be accepted by them, he now knew the personally they did not seem as bad as rumors spoke off. They were overly nice and wise rather what he had seen lower ranked demons do.

“what a terrible bond you have,” was what reached the human’s ears making his head shot up to glance at the raven headed man, “I wish I had a better bond or even been raised with them, I envy you.”

Michikatsu retorted with a: “My and my brother were never raised together.”

Muzan chuckled lightly, “I have been friends with your brother, I have seen you sneak out to play with them each time I came over.”

Michikatsu’s eyes widen at those words and pressed his forehead once more on the tiles, his cheeks burned in humiliation of doing such actions he had never thought of doing that before someone else – surely woman.

“I shall make you a demon, but here is not the best place to do so,” Muzan looked down from the building they were standing on, “there are too many humans I do not wish to harm any of them.”

The male that was bowing rose a brow at those words – did the Demon King care for humans? Everyone said that he did not care of anyone but himself. And who was that woman who looked like his twin?

Like that they moved away from the place to a more secluded are in the forest where Tamayo and Ruka headed to get some animals so the soon-to-be demon would not go to rampage as Tamayo did.

Muzan started by sitting down and relax he wished that his anger would get passed on to the human. Even if he was strong and trained samurai he wished not to kill the son for his friend.

The air swayed with the trees that swung softly. Muzan felt so calm with the wind, his mind went to Nezuko making him cringe a bit what happened to her? It has been two years, was the baby already walking how did the baby look like.

“My Lord,” Tamayo spoke as she was holding a bear over her shoulder, a smile was evident on her normal straight lined lips, “we are back.”

They eat animals? Michikatsu was so confused with what was happening since he had always heard of demons eating humans, what made them different?

Muzan then used his sharp nail and dug his nails in ripping the skin off before bringing it to the human’s face, “drink up, not a lot, it is better a bit so you shall not die by my hands.”

Michikatsu inched closer and brought his lips to the wounded hand that was extended out and drank a bit before a sudden heat rose in his whole body.

But before he could react his eyes rolled back and he fell asleep. The real transformation of a demon made them fall into a deep sleep for a while as their body changed the inside out and Muzan’s cells reproduced and killed the normal cells.

Muzan got up and helped his sister place the meat around him in a way he could get the taste to eat the animals rather than ignoring it and head to the village just down there.

The man woke up after a few minutes and before anything dug into the animals around him. Blood dirtied his kimono and hair but did not care after all hunger was so heavy and agonizing. It almost made him feel like he was going to suffocate if he did not eat in the next second.

Michikatsu changed his name to Kokushibo and then realized he had six eyes, he confessed that he was thinking over his child and wife that he left behind the year before.

“you are so much like my father,” Muzan breath out, “and like me too.”

It was not the first time he heard Muzan say those words but never understood what he meant and just brushed it off. He was the Demon King why would he have a bad life?


A while later Muzan called Tamayo away and they stood far from them. As Ruka explained the rules to the new demon that technically was a baby.

“Did you need me, My Lord?” she asked tilling her head her loose hair swayed with her movement.

Muzan was standing a bit away his face away as he gulped, he could trust her, he must trust her, she was with him or the last century.

“Tamayo, I think something bad is going to happen to me,” he started, “I wish you to leave me, abandon me when it happens, I shall lift the curse from you to live the life you want. But when you figure a way to make a demon, human.” He paused seeing his mortified expression, “Kill me, find a way to end me.”

Her lips trembled, “why?”

Muzan gave a saddened smile, “I do not wish to live longer than I already have, life has started to get boring for me, Nezuko – I have given up on her.” He pulled a purple hair pin, “this is for you, the situation shall happen soon, but I do not know when.

” He pulled a purple hair pin, “this is for you, the situation shall happen soon, but I do not know when

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