07: Heian Era: Blue Lily

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Year 915, Japan, Kibutsuji Manor

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Year 915, Japan, Kibutsuji Manor.

Credits: Song: Elley Duhé — Middle of The Night

The next day it was nighttime and Muzan was walking around the garden with his fiancé who was telling him of her life back home. The Ubuyashiki main family was there, they all were there to witness not only the wedding but also the cure who was rumored to be mysterious doctor that used the spider lily.

The flower they had planted in their garden.

But who knew it they really were going to use that flower. Either way Muzan was exited and over the moon.

While Nezuko was a bit skeptical she didn’t find it a good idea to use the spider lily as a medication. Something in her gut told her to be far when he takes the ‘cure’ and she knew to trust her gut feeling over anything else.

Her pink eyes rose to the beautiful full moon, the sky was clear void of any cloud and filled with stars that showed their beauty to the humans.

Muzan stopped in track as he realized Nezuko has too. Her long raven hair swayed in the air as she said was in her mind.

“I don’t think this is a good idea.” She spoke up boldly with a straight face her white haori swaying with her words.

Muzan blinked, “why do you think that?”

As the younger girl thought, his oblivious! He was such a guarded child he never realized that he was never allowed outside the house or even in the garden without someone. Didn’t he ever think on why used that flower for medications?

“Spider lily was never used as medications – rather in witchcraft they use them.” The shorter girl spoke out her voice never wavered as she spoke with confidence.

He then bursted, his words harsh as she told her not to speak since she didn’t know and that he could trust his mother – he trusted her more than anyone. That she was just his fiancé but had no right to tell him anything or change his mind.

The words stabbed her heart shattering her ego over and over again. Making her heart drop and her eyes filled with unwanted tears as she turned her heel.

“I-” she stammered, “hope you get well.”

That was the last time he had seen her for that day before he was called inside by the doctor who finished settling the room and Muzan went inside.

What he didn’t know that that day was the last time he could see his fiancé and everyone he cared for. That was the last chance to choose a normal life a life he could be free from the sun’s anger and the last chance he could get to be with his mother.

He sat down on the wooden stool as the doctor started telling him to relax and handed him a cup. There was a liquid inside.

“My lord, this is a tranquilizer while you see me fix the medication before you my lord.” The doctor said as he started to pull out a blue spider lily. In his eyes they were blue. The doctor also pulled wisteria and many other flowers and plants and liquids and mixed them.

He pulled the pedals from the majestic flower that Muzan had never seen before cutting them into small portions and smashed them with wisteria that was the light pink pedals of the said flower.

After a bit he handed him the cup with a blue liquid that had many small petal particles that Muzan ignored. The scent was terrible the fresh scent of plants and some weird tint that he couldn’t quite figure as he held the cup within his fingers.

The scent allured him even if it was terrible.

His thin pale and dry lips came in contact with the wooden cup before drinking the continents. His mind went to Nezuko and his mother – his deceased father and for some reason on someone else he didn’t know who it was.

Before he knew it he finished drinking the whole cup.

But unlike what he expected he started to vomit he gagged as the cup fell from his fingers that now were paler than before his whole body burned as the doctor was shocked his body shook as Muzan glared at him.

“what did you do?!” he growled like a wild animal his voice was deep and ragged with rage as he sat up.

His hand reached to the dagger beside his futon before throwing it full force to the now crawling doctor that tried to run away.

The dagger pierced his back right on his column  making him gasp as blood rose as a bile up his throat making him gag it out before fully dying crashing onto a vase making a loud sound.

Muzan was still gasping in pain and anger as slowly his anger subsided into hunger. The hunger was directed to the said male that lied dead on the tatami flooring. His blood pooling under the corpse.

The raven haired man didn’t think twice before crawling to the dead body and then realized.

“My nails changed color?” he questioned silently as he looked at his now ugly blue colored nails then reached slowly to the man’s arm and effortlessly ripped the arm off.

The sound of a rip was heard in the dark and silent room and blood dripped from the now dismembered arm. The scent wasn’t metal like he thought it could be rather it was sweet.

He brought the arm to his lips and bit into it ripping the flesh off its bone with another ripping sound it wound be disgusting for anyone – but he felt some kind of enjoy in it as he continued to feast.

He felt a sudden power he felt so powerful as he felt stronger than ever maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. His gaze landed on the notes of the doctor on the low wooden table.

He shrugged the gut feeling he missed something before looking at his blood stained haori that his father gifted him before taking it off together with his clothes and tossed a yukata and continued feasting for the rest of the night.

He shrugged the gut feeling he missed something before looking at his blood stained haori that his father gifted him before taking it off together with his clothes and tossed a yukata and continued feasting for the rest of the night

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