04: Heian Era: Red eyes

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Year 906, Japan, Kibutsuji Manor

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Year 906, Japan, Kibutsuji Manor.

Credit: song: Vundabar – Alien Blues

The girl would talk to him calmly most times sometimes she never spoke, she was partly mute due to the fear of being bad mouthed by the red eyed boy – well maroon.

Muzan still was not allowed to go outside most times but Nezuko would tell him to go take care of the plants or read books, she too would go with him to try and distract him most times without him realizing.

Nezuko loved flowers, surely the red spider lily that they mostly bloomed at that area of Kyoto her eyes always glimmered when she saw the flower and would run over it and told him that she would love to see the white one someday.

“white?” Muzan questioned hearing her words, “are whose not rare?”

She nodded furiously her smile never wavering her short hair bouncing with her happy movements, “they have a beautiful meaning, Kibutsuji-Sama.”

Sometimes the male hated how she called him, he wanted her to call him by his first name, but he was shy and wasn’t sure if she’d freak out of accept his words, so he bit his lower lip and continued watering the bloomed flowers.

“they sure have,” he uttered as the cold spring wind swayed around him making him snugged deeper in his haori, normally for many it would be a warm season, but for him it was cold.

She came many days and Toji started to suspect something, “do they not want the young lady?” he asked his secretary that stood across the low wooden table with his hands on his sides his face stoic.

“My Lord I am not sure nor I can assure you that anyone knows the full story of Lady Ubuyashiki.” The man bowed down his forehead pressed against the flooring in shame, “no one of the Ubuyashiki clan would tell us.”

The Lord frown slamming his fist on the table after breaking the brush he used to make his plans for the royal highness.

“As expected of the Ubuyashiki!” the hissed his glare of the paper as raven ink spattered over it that came from the brush.

They were clever, not like hated the child, they wanted to get rid of the girl.

(if he knew better he would say they were tricking him to get the downfall of his clan, even if they were already in ruins)

His son was weak and would soon die at age of twenty, he needed to get him marry someone who would give him pure blooded Asian children to take over after he died, after all his first wife could not bear any more children.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as he leaned on the table. And the other male child he had wasn’t much for him to choose him yet, he was the son of his fourth wife named: ‘Mikuo’ from the Minamoto-clan so she was royalty.

Mostly Toji wasn’t very trilled getting a fourth wife since he had three and his concubines were a pain. He knew how much she wounded his first wife, Mika while she was pregnant with Muzan.

He hated the Ubuyashiki too, even if his favorite wife was one, but she was a saint and loved him genuinely, they grew up together like Muzan was with with Nezuko. He hoped they would open up and be together.

“how is Mikuo’s child?” he asked without a care as he watched from the opened shoji door that his son was okay and playing a board game with her.

The man finally sat up, “Lady Mikuo had been healthy and looks like the child is a male from the words the physician had said.”

The silence ruled for a bit, “Pardon?”

“a boy, My— . . .”

“I KNOW!” a loud ‘BAM’ was heard across the room making the kids outside flinch and went to play somewhere else not wanting to get involved with their father’s rage, “who knows about this result?”

“I, Lady Mikuo and her personal maid, My Lord.” He stammered his forehead again pressed against the floor this time was trembling in utter fear for the man.


On the other side of the door stood Mika who’s eyes were wide, no the fourth wife was giving birth to another boy?

Her hand went to her lips in horror.

She already expected that one day another boy would be born in the family due to how many woman were married to her husband, but she couldn’t help but feel down for that fact.

She knew that she wasn’t going to give birth to any more children so she was going to step up her game, find a cure for his sickness, she would waste all her money to find the cure.

She cared for her son the most. . .


She looked up at the sky her lavender eyes shining with the dim light from the sun that was lowering slowly, “when the moon sets,” the uttered and walked off not knowing that the fourth wife heard her.

‘what may this be about?’ she thought a smirk curled on her pink lips as she turned her heel and went to the other hall from where she came from, ‘does she not the pray to the Fire god or something?” 

“we shall find out.”

Night fell over the whole land and everyone went to bed, the guards were up for the nocturnal shift while Mika was still awake to pray to the moon before going to sleep.

She stood before the moon in the red spider lily garden as she prayed her hands were intertwined together and lowered her head.

“moon please hear my prayers to give my only son strength to thrive forward until death ends him, but let him get cured from his sickness, I will do anything for it!” she cried out, thinking she was alone.

A pair of wisteria eyes narrowed barely hearing the words that were cried out in the distance, “she sure is desperate for power.” Not like she was any different, she was from the Minamoto family.

” Not like she was any different, she was from the Minamoto family

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