06: Heian Era: Growing up sick

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Year 915, Japan, Kibutsuji Manor

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Year 915, Japan, Kibutsuji Manor.

Credits: Song: Sour Candy — Lady Gaga

Sound of silent footsteps moved in rapid speed down the halls, it was just speed walking rather than running cause he wasn’t allowed to run. His hair was now down to his waist and wore the family kimono under his white haori.

He was going to see his fiancé, the engagement was made official when they turned twelve and knew what marriage meant, not like he worried cause he loved her – but he was not very sure over Nezuko’s feelings over it.

He opened the front doors with all his strength making him tired already but a guard saw him and helped him open them. He was met with many samurai from the Ubuyashiki clan and from his’, he took over after his father passed away in war.

It has been years ever since he last saw Nezuko aside from sending messages that took months before returning to him.

So when his eyes landed on her, he could not believe it was her an that to blink trice.

Her hair grew longer hand was loose, she looked simple as ever, her hair faded to a golden orange color  her eyes changed from pastel pink to a darker one that could be identify as red depending on the sun.

She wore a simple raven kimono that was covered by thick layers of haori.

She smiled at him as she ran to hug him, tight, “Muzan, I have missed you.”

His cheeks redden before he recomposed himself with a smile, “I missed you too Nezuko.”

It was the time to start rearranging the wedding between the two. Deep down Muzan knew he was soon to die reason why the clan as so desperate for him to marriage in about three days after they saw each other again.

They hoped that she could get pregnant before he passes away so there could be a heir in the family.

They headed inside the huge a beautiful manor where he was met with his siblings who were just minding their business around – not before greeting them.

“My mother has found a doctor,” Muzan started as they sat down on the table to eat the banquet, “He will arrive tomorrow.”

Her dark eyes widen showing the colors fully, “really! This is a god news Muzan!” she beamed with a smile.

Even her voice changed and her non-verbal. She was more elegant and softer than when she was younger. She wore a new purple kimono that was matched with a white haori with violet endings that also ended with pink.


While they spoke the said woman they spoke of was inside in the private room of the lords mother. The woman just turned thirty and started gaining light wrinkles on her forehead and on the inside corner of her eyes.

She wore various kimonos over each other and her haori hung on her elbows from her shoulders. Her hands were clasped in prayer position as she prayed to the moon once more. No one knew if she still was the same girl of fifteen years before when she didn’t have her child.

She grew only focusing on her son getting healed and staying the first and most lovable woman of her husband but she never lived for herself.

Then a knock echoed her dark room making her open her eyes showing her dark wisteria colored eyes before getting up and said, “Open.”

The door cracked open showing a maid that was bowing her long chestnut hair swayed in her face, “Mika-Sama, the Ubuyashiki clan has arrived,”

The woman got up and walked out the room with her hands on her lap and her back straight – same as her serious face as she followed the maid that looked rather nervous.

At the door she was met with Nara the woman just turned her beautiful age of fifty but still stood tall, beside her were the wives of her son.

“Nara-Sama!” Mika bowed with overflowing respect – Mika was daughter of Nara’s brother making her the niece of the said woman. Back then families could marry each other reason why Nezuko and Muzan were allowed to wed even if they were technically cousins.

“Get up,” Nara demanded with a blank tone as she walked mast Mika, “I am only here to accompany Nezuko and help her to prepare the wedding. I do not have time for this gibberish.”

Mika stood straight and understood, “I understand Nara-Sama.” But deep inside the lady was angry for how humiliated she was.

Mika knew that the doctor was going to be there by the next day to heal her son. She hoped it goes well and heals her son so no other of those bastard children of her late husband would take over and make her a laughing stock.

Her wisteria color eyes glanced at the pink eyed girl that spoke to her son. She was perfect for him, she was a beauty an smart, she hoped she could bear children – healthy children.

Beside her was the maid that spoke to her, the maid knew everything that happened to her mistress she changed over the years she was obsessed! It made the maid worry a lot for her owner. She hoped the lady would realize what was going on with her.

If she didn’t she hoped master Muzan did, but she doubted that, the young master was always locked in his room and library reading and never went outside to know how things normally were.

He only knew what he knew from books not actually how life is. It made her worry for him, cause she knew that Muzan loved his mother a lot but also knew that the mother could easily manipulate him for what she wanted.

She was surprised that her young master didn’t sent to kill off his siblings and mothers.

Maybe she waited until he was fully healed to do so?

The maid internally prayed she was wrong as she followed her lady with a clenched her jaw.

The maid internally prayed she was wrong as she followed her lady with a clenched her jaw

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