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"How about.. blue?" Beomgyu asked, looking at the blank wall.

"Mm, nah, not here. Blue can be the bathroom." Taehyun said, Beomgyu nodding in agreement.

"Green?" Beomgyu asked again.

"Probably not, the living room needs to pop more."

"Ooh! Then purple!"


Beomgyu and Taehyun were in the middle of choosing the paint color of each room.

Living room would be a pastel purple. The two bathrooms would be pastel blue. Their room would be and combination of pastel yellow and pastel pink, and the bathroom inside their room would be a more greener pastel blue. Pastel green would be the color of their kitchen. And there is an extra room that would become their cinema room, the color being just black.

"I suppose the Hyung's and Huening could help us with this one." Taehyun said.

"Yeah, I'll call them then." Beomgyu grabbed his phone from his pocket and video called their group chat, all picking up besides Taehyun of course. "Hey, can you guys come over? We need a bit of help."

"Sure! Me and Soobinnie are on our way over." Yeonjun then hung up, Soobin doing the same.

"Imma be there probably a few hours later," Huening started. "I have to help my mom with groceries and then we're gonna go to the mall for a bit."

"How fun. Didn't even invite us." Taehyun rolled his eyes.

"Whaaat? You guys are busy." Huening frowned.

The apartment door rings. "Oh, they're already here." Taehyun said, getting up and leaving to open the door.

"Well, see you soon, Kai!" And with that, Beomgyu ended the call.

"Ayo lil bros!" Yeonjun exclaimed, pulling Taehyun into a hug.

"Hyunggg! We saw each other yesterday! No need to be so clingy." Taehyun whined, pushing him away.

"Just let him, Huen. He wants a child and that child is you." Soobin sighed, a hand on his face.

"Hehe, Beomie wants a hug too!" Beomgyu exclaimed, scrambling on over to the two who were still hugging.

"Alright, Beomie~" Yeonjun finally let Taehyun go and Beomgyu ran straight into his arms. Taehyun mentally smiling to himself as Beomgyu just saved him from the long hug.

"Alright alright. You guys better stop because you didnt even lock the door." A voice said behind Soobin.

"Kai?!" Everyone exclaimed.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were helping your mom and going to the mall." Taehyun squinted in suspicion.

"Uh, yeah. I did help my mom. But I cancelled the mall to help out you guys." He shrugged before inviting himself in, closing the door behind him first.

"Oh yeah, what did you guys want help with anyway?" Soobin asked.

"Well," Beomgyu scanned the room. "Can you guess?"

The three looked around in confusion. With no avail to piece things together, Taehyun sighed. "We need help with painting. I literally put paint in every room. You guys will help, got it?"

"Ohhh." They said in sync.

"Me and Taehyunie are doing our room first since it's the most complicated. Yeonjun and Soobin do the bathrooms. Huening you're in charge of the kitchen. The rest we'll all do together." Beomgyu stated.

"Alright. I call their bathroom!" Yeonjun then ran up to the bedroom's bathroom.

"No wait! We're doing that too! Do the bathroom in the hall!" Taehyun ran after him before he could touch a thing.

Beomgyu, Soobin, and Huening Kai just smiled and shook their heads at the two. "Alrighty then, let's start painting." Soobin said.

And with that, the three headed to the directions they were assigned to do.

Beomgyu just couldn't wait to design the best bedroom anyone has ever seen.

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