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"So, Beom-ah? What would you like for your reward?" Yeonjun asked.

"Uh.. it's fine if I don't get anything. I think the best reward at the moment is getting to live with Taehyun-ah after graduation." He smiled.

The mentioned boy was then flustered at the sweet comment.

"Are you sure, Beomgyu? We know you're whipped for your best friend, but are you sure you don't want a treat or something?" Soobin questioned this time.

Now it was Beomgyu's turn to be flustered. "S-Soobin Hyung!! I'm not whipped.. and uhm.. maybe we can go eat at that noodle place..? The five of us? Just like the old times? I just wanna be with you guys.." Beomgyu says in a whisper, looking away from everyone.

The other four cooed at his wholesome answer. "Of course we can, Beomie Hyungie! Soobinnie Hyung, drive faster!!" Huening Kai exclaimed.

"What- no Kai!! The speed limit!" Soobin shrieks when Huening Kai took hold of the steering wheel. Good thing he can't reach the pedals.

Yeonjun then had to save them from crashing. He slapped Kai's hand away which made him pout.

"We are not gonna do that, Kai. It's dangerous." Yeonjun glared, making him go back to his seat.

"I'm sorry Hyungg.." Huening Kai whined as he rubs his hand that was slapped away. It still stung.

"Come here, Huen." Taehyun said, grabbing his hand and rubbing it with his cold hands. It was like an ice pack. Lol.

Beomgyu, being the jealous boy he his, pouted and looked away from the two, looking out the car window.

Of course, Yeonjun and Soobin noticed this. Even Taehyun and Kai noticed this. Everyone could tell when Beomgyu's feeling upset.

"Wahh! Beomie Hyungie~ Don't be upset. Come heree!" Huening Kai exclaimed as he pulled Beomgyu toward the middle seat, giving him a big hug, mostly towards his neck though. It also means that Beomgyu is now on top of Taehyun.

And because of that, Taehyun decided to give him a hug too. Beomgyu hid his face from everyone as his face was most likely bright red from how flustered he was. He loved the affection though.

"Alright, enough hugs. Save some for Soobin and I." Yeonjun chuckled, making Beomgyu even more flustered.

"This is so weird.." Beomgyu whispers, only Taehyun hearing.

"Yeah, Yeonjun Hyung's right.. enough hugs?" Taehyun pulled Beomgyu back to his original spot to his right, except he still kept an arm around his shoulder.

Beomgyu shook his head. "I'm fine with huggies.." he said, carefully leaning back towards Taehyun's side.

So now, it's just the two that's hugging.

Huening Kai mischievously grins and leaned over towards the car window. "It's so pretty tonight~ there's a sunset, guys!"

Everyone looks out the window, and there was indeed a sunset. The blue hour sunset.

"Oh, hey. We're here." Soobin stated, turning in towards the Noodle House's parking lot.

Noodle House, a place they used to go to in middle school. The five of them used to walk there every Saturday afternoon to just hang out and eat ramen and Tteokbokki. Not once have they missed their chance to go to that place, even when they were sick.

Well, until they moved towards high school and found a closer ramen place nearby the school. Sadly there weren't any Tteokbokki.

Entering the Noodle House, the smell of food hit their noses which made them realize how hungry they were.

"Oh hello you five. We haven't seen you guys for years." The owner of the café said.

"Woah, you still remember us?" Yeonjun asked, which the owner nods.

"Of course, how could I forget my costumers who come regularly?" He chuckles. "Would you like to sit where you usually sit?"

"Beside the window next to the vending machines? Yes please." Taehyun said.

Casually, they walk to where they used to sit in this place and went ahead to order.

"The usual, please." Beomgyu smiled, loving to say that line.

"Yes of course." He bowed before going off to make their order come.

The food then came out. Thirteen bags of different types of ramen, a bag of pork and beef, a carton of eggs, two bags of mozzarella cheese, and five pots of water that was on some stove thing in front of each and every one of them, besides one giant grill in the middle. It was like a, cook it yourself thing.

Yeonjun with his three bags of spicy shrimp, beef, and chicken flavored ramen. Soobin with his three bags of beef, chicken, and shrimp flavored ramen. Huening with just three bags of shrimp flavored ramen. Beomgyu with two bags of spicy beef flavored ramen. And lastly, Taehyun with his two bags of beef flavored ramen.

They made their ramen to their own liking.  There were a lot of vegetables plastered in all of their pots, besides Beomgyu who only added green onions.

"Alright Gyu, which drink would you like this time?" Yeonjun asked, scanning through the vending machines.

"I just want lemon tea." Beomgyu said.

He nods and hands him the drink. As for everyone else, they get their usual. Soobin with his almond milk, Yeonjun and his americano, Taehyun having strawberry sprite, and kai having grape juice.

Beomgyu, based on his mood, would either get lemon tea, coke, sprite, expresso with or without caramel, and strawberry lemonade.

You know what, let's just get on with them eating.

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