Big Suprise

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(Continuing from last chapter, next morning)

The girls were out riding their horses, while Finley and Miranda were talking about Alcina and the side effects of the pills.

~The bedchambers~

Alcina woke up and notices that the room was more space and big. She looks down as her nightgown was much bigger. Her breast were out and then a maiden walks in.

"My lady, if you are wondering on where Lady Finley is at. She's currently with Priestess Miran—my lady?!" The maiden stops and looks away.

"Maiden!" Alcina covers herself with the blanket, "One strike, but I need you to go find of Finley's old clothes as they should be in the closet right in there." She was keeping her cool but panicking hard in the inside.

The maiden then searches for the clothes, she finds something quick and easy. She walks over to the bed and still without looking, she then handed over the clothes to Alcina. Her clothes were short sweat-pants and a Slipknot cut-sleeve hoodie. It was deep red and black which she quickly puts them on.
She looks at her body-mirror as it showed that she was back in her human height form. She hasn't been in her normal size since the Cadou transformation but she runs out of the room.

"Finley?!" Alcina calls out.

She turns the corner and more of her maidens see their lady running in a new height. One of the maidens said that Finley was talking to Miranda in the dinning room. Alcina thanks them and continues running, she was nervous on what happen to her. The last thing she remembers was Finley and Daniela outside as Bela and Cassandra held her down.

"FINLEY?! MIRANDA?!" She calls for them and makes it to the dinning room.

"Alcina?!" Finley response back, Alcina opens both doors with force as it broke one of the hinges off.

There, Miranda drops her cup of tea and her eyes widened far. She gasp after seeing Alcina back in her human height form. Finley was in her big height form as she looks down at Alcina.

"I don't know what happened but I think it was the pills. I was tossing and turning all night as hot-flashes suddenly came out of nowhere. My body was aching so bad and now..." Alcina said and walks over, "I think we need another checkup." She looks at them both.

"Wait a minute..." Finley shrinks into her human size, "You're 5'10? We're literally the same height." She holds onto her staff and walks around Alcina.

At that moment, Miranda was still stun over Alcina and immediately needs to do a few test on her...

~Mirandas house~

Miranda had gotten the results back about Alcina's blood. Finley held Alcina's hand and was prepare for any news that they were going to get. Alcina was extremely nervous and hopes that it didn't cause her process of convincing a child.

"I got your results..." Miranda looks at the paper work and looks at them, "You're still healthy on having a child and your blood disease went down by 85 percent. The pills must've somehow over ruled part of the disease just a little bit." She tells the news, "But I have no idea how this happened." Referencing the height, "And I don't know how long this height form will last. But we'll keep an eye on you for the next few days." She added and looks at them.

"Wow, this is amazing." Alcina smiles big and looks at Finley, "But I hope my blood disease doesn't come back ten times more if I transform back to my other height..." She then looks at Miranda.

There Miranda handed her a newer version of her pills as they're sightly stronger. Alcina really likes this so far but remembers that Finley was going to be in agony if she went back in her human size form.

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