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Gaara wakes up in a strange place. She gets up the sees a woman meditating in the air. Slowly but yet intrigued he walks up and sees that her eyes were closed and was wearing a very old Shihakage clothing that was hand-made.

"Gaara Dimitrescu-Triana, I have been wait for you." The strange woman said with a calming, soothing voice.

"How did you know my name? What is this place?" And how are you flying like this." Gaara ask many question but the strange woman stops him.

She tells Gaara that she was the previous Shihakage goddess twin sister. Her name is Sanuma Shihakage, she didn't want to be in book records as she hid herself away from her evil twin sister. But she tells that him some hard information.

"Listen to me, you're reincarnated as my son, Akika Shihakage, your mind and Kokorogan are his...he was the bringer of peace and friendship." Sanuma said to him, "And your twin brother, Hamura, he's reincarnated as Kanagimoto Shihakage. My sister, Nishiasse Shihakage the one who created the main clan...she created Black Dazosuki to haunt my children." She said and cups his cheek, "I lost both sons from him and my sister. I already seen and some what talked to Hamura, he's far powerful now than you think. But now I give you what power I have left." She places her right hand with his right hand.

Everything in the strange place turned white. He felt this power flowing in him which that made he wake up in a room. He sits ups and rubs his eyes then sees Hamura was sitting up across the room. His eyes suddenly changes into a different. He had a crooked grin as he stares him down.

"Seems like Sanuma Shihakage gave you something but not me!" Hamura fist were in a ball and manages to crack them in sync.

Gaara looks around and finds a small hand mirror which he looks into. Hamura wasn't lying, his eyes were blue-ish purple, it was the Shihakage clan eye but it was different though.

(Gaara's eyes)

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(Gaara's eyes)

After he takes the mirror away from his face. Hamura was standing right at the edge of the bed. His eyes were red as he had the Shihakage clan eye too but his was more spiral.

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