First Move PT:1

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~A week later~

Everything started to look bright again at the castle. Finley was outside as the weather was nice to where the daughters could come out without getting hurt from the temperature. Meanwhile, Alcina was in the castle, looking down from her bedchamber window as she sees her daughters and Finley.


There, she snaps out of her thoughts and hears Marie talking, her bruises were healing slowly as she rested a lot.

"Yes pet?" Alcina quickly glimpses back down below as Daniela and Cassandra were wrestling.

"I just came to say goodbye as I'll be gone for a few months." Marie said as she had her coat on.

At first Alcina didn't know what Marie was talking about but then it popped in her head as Marie would be helping her family out in another village. So Alcina got on her knees and smiles at her pet.

"I will miss you my darling pet. Would you like me to walk you out to the carriage?" Alcina suggested because she really wanted to see Finley.

"Yeah that would be kind of you." Marie kiss Alcina's cheek and walked outside into the hallways.

The maidens seen and ignore them as they went back to their chores, Alcina doesn't care and walks her pet to the carriage.

As they walked outside, Alcina heard the girls laughing as they were walking up with dirt on themselves. Finley's arm was wrapped around Bela's neck as her arm wrapped around Finley's rib, they both laughed while Cassandra and Daniela were punching each other. They were having a blast.

"Hello mother." The daughters said together.

"Hello Draga Meas, would you girls like to say goodbye to Marie. She'll be leaving for the next few months." Alcina tells them, each one of the girls said their goodbyes as Finley said her goodbye too.

Marie smiles and waves at them as she enters there carriage. Alcina waves goodbye as the carriage exits the fortress of the castle. Daniela exhales as she whispered something to Cassandra.

"Imma take a shower." Finley walks ahead into the castle, "Hey Alcina after I'm done, I want to talk to you about something, if you are not busy?" She looks, the three girls immediately stop and glares at their mother.

"Oh well, I'm free and I'll met you in the library." Alcina smiles as she and her daughters and Finley enter the castle.

~Shortly Time Skips~

Alcina was in the library as she was waiting for Finley. She sprayed perfume to freshen up but after being down in the bloody winery room. Then the door opens, it was Finley comes walking in, she had on a dark maroon blouse shirt as well as a mid-tone ash victorian color jacket, while wearing black high-rise jeans with combat boots.

"Hello Finley." Alcina greets her first as she sat down, "So what business do you want to talk about?" She added and leans back in the couch.

"Well, you and I have been talking recently and wanted to see how you feel about..." Finley sat down next to her, looking at those bright blue eyes, "Us somewhat seeing each other again, but only talking and starting fresh. I just want to talk to you more and now since Marie is out for a few months. Maybe we should catch up to see how we've been doing on our own." She tells her, Finley knew that Miranda wasn't going to like it but she has rights over what she can and cannot do, even doing things that Miranda wouldn't approve of.

There, Alcina felt her chest rising fast and heavy after hearing that Finley wants to get somewhat close again. Deep down inside she always wanted Finley as she didn't like Marie at all. She hated it. She didn't realize that she had a giant smile on her face as her eyes glowed with delight.

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