One down; Four to go

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~Two Months Later~

The past two months have been tough on Finley. Both physical and mental as she and Alcina have been fighting like they have been married for years. The therapy sessions with Donna and Miranda were hard, she even thought on giving up.

"Just fucking leave me alone!" Finley throws a vase at the wall, "DAMMIT!" She added and glares at Alcina.

"Fine! I'll leave..." Alcina throws her hands and storms out of the bedchambers.

Alcina slams the door, she pressed herself on the wall and felt sadness hitting her. She walks away and covers her mouth as she suddenly cries.

There, Finley hears Alcina crying and felt terrible. She sworn to never hurt her feelings but needed time to think and process everything...she felt Itamigan again in her stomach and felt exhausted as she decided to go relax in the bed.

"Maybe sleeping might help me." Finley tells herself and uses her wheelchair as she rolls to the bed.

Finley build up her Chikaragan in her upper body as she pulls herself onto the bed and cover's herself with the blanket...there she began having hot flashes...

~Five hours later~

Meanwhile, Alcina was drinking in her winery room. She had grabbed one of her signature wine bottles, it was only used to control her Cadou form as Finley sightly saw part of it back in November. She pours herself a glass and takes a swig, the sweet fruits with the finest maidens blood relaxes her body.


Alcina hears one of her daughters. She got up and walks over to the door then she opens it. It was Bela, she walks in and sat down with her.

"Mother like we told you before, don't push Finley." Bela said first, "She is mentally and physically exhausted from the sessions that both we, Donna and Miranda do to her." She holds her mother's hand, "Give her time to think and rest up. If she wants to continue or not, it's her choice." She finishes as takes a sip of her mother glass.

"I know...I'm just worried about her going back to that other side of depression...especially her trying to you know..." Alcina hints about Finley's suicide attempt, "But you are right, my dear Bela, and I came to realize that I'm over protecting and need her to fully do whatever she wants to do." She came to realization and nods.

Bela was happy that her mother figured it out. They talk about everything and how Alcina was extremely proud of the girls using their new abilities. They and Amita have been watching incase Azuir and their siblings come back. Alcina felt something off and even Bela felt it too.

"You feel sick right? Like something bad might happen..." Bela gets up and her mother does too.

"Yes...I thought of Finley and now I feel it." Alcina mentioned as Bela thought of Finley too.

They rushed over to the bedchambers. Amita, Daniela and Cassandra both appear next to them. The girls mentioned that they had a bad feeling and even thought of Finley too. There all four women rushed over quickly. Alcina was five steps ahead of her daughters and Amita as they came flying in their forms.

"Finley?" Alcina grabs the door knob and ducking into the bedchambers. She and the girls saw that Finley wasn't in the bed or her wheelchair.


The women hear Finley, she was in the bathroom and Bela uses her abilities to sense her. But she couldn't see as she tries expanding her abilities farther then ever before. Alcina walks over as she tries to open the door but of course Finley locked it.

"Darling open the door please!" Alcina slightly yells, she pulls the door knob again.

"Mother..." Bela calls for her after she froze and backs away.

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