The New Change

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The girls have been very concerned about their mother. Miranda and the other lords were too ever since Finley went into a coma...Alcina never left her-side or the room.

" be honest, you need a bath. We'll watch her and notify you if anything happens." Cassandra peaks through the door as she sees her mother sitting in her vanity chair

"I will take one as soon as Finley wakes up." Alcinas voice was soft and low while she was knitting something.

Then Miranda walks in because the girls called and asked her to the talk too their mother. She sees and notices that Alcina was somewhat losing her skin-color and body weight. Which she then sees Miranda and stiffs up as she lays her knitting project down.

"Alcina, you must eat for Finley's life. If she was awake right now. She would've told you the same thing." Miranda walks and holds her hand, "Listen, get something to eat and drink. And for heavens sake please take a bath, Cassandra was right." She orders as she will watch Finley and will call if anything changes...

Alcina takes in a deep breaths and gets up from her chair as she looks at Finley's body.

"Za Ixtano loa Finely..." She leans down and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Please wake up..." She whispers and walks away to the door...


A four and half months went by. Ever since Finley accident back in November, everyone still waited for her to wake up. As time went on, Alcina had gotten worse as she pushed her dinner away. The girls seen her reaction, it was like...her motivation, the muse was no longer here but it was, just been sleeping for so long. Alcina closed her eyes and reimagined Finley during the good moments and tries to forget the incident.

"My ladies!" A maiden comes running in with a giant smile on her face.

"Is she..." Alcina jumps as her eyes widen. The girls immediately jumped for their sits and headed out with their mother.

The maiden had led the Dimitrescu family to the bedchambers. Alcina felt her breathing getting fast while a smile grew, the daughters came up with a plan on telling Finley what has happened over the last few months.

They all came busting through the door. There they frozen...Finley was lying there with her eyes opened. Alcina slowly walks over and sees her lover staring at her and began to smile.

"Alcina...girls..." Finley said her first words, they were soft and quiet.

"Finley..." Alcina voices cracks, she falls to her knees beings to tear up and holds Finley's hand.

The girls began crying too, they were blessed that their member of their family was alive. Daniela comes up as she and her sisters hugged their mother and their lost best-friend. Finley grunts when she felt Itamigan around her stomach, she slides her hand underneath her shirt and felt a deep scar...

"Girls, Finley is fragile lets take it easy." Alcina wipes her tears and caresses her hair.

"Sorry mother, and sorry Finley, I accidentally sat on your foot." Bela said and jumps off the bed.

Finley had a puzzle look on her as she looks at her feet. She was able to move her arms and sat up...

"You know Bela, as you said that..." Finleys breathing went heavy, "I can't feel my feet or legs...what happened to me...why can't I feel my them!" Her voice sounded nervous.

"Wait what?" The girls said at once and Alcina was puzzled.

Which she removes the blankets. She makes one small cut and which Finley couldn't feel it. All of the women in the room then prayed to Miranda...

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