The End

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It was still dark outside while Finley was sitting in the upper tower where everything changed for her.
She found Eva, Mirandas first child, as well she met Amita. She met the youngest child of Mother Shihakage as she died but came back from the dead as Miranda implanted the Cadou, but a-little prior of her death, she told Alcina that she loves her. She gained abilities as well as CoraLynn coming back in a bad timing which Finley fought more of mother Shihakage children over little periods of time. Even herself fought the great and power goddess herself as she finally became the new ruler of the entire Shihakage race.

She drank her tea which somehow brought up another memory on how she married Alcina than treating her blood disease which lead to another memory of her actually seeing and talking to her father. As he and his family came with Finley's family back to Romania. Then shortly after Alcina and Finley had the twins.

"Well where have the years gone?" Finley sips more tea and looks the portraits.

It was her family all standing around with smiles on them. She couldn't control her smiles as she then heard kids laughing in the hallways. It's was Quentin and Rachel, Hamura's and Johnny's daughter. They came into the room where Finley was hiding in, she laughs and opens her arms for her grandchildren.

"Grandma F!" Both of the kids shout and jump onto her.

"Hey kiddos, what are you guys doing here?" She ask and looks at them.

The kids look behind them and saw Alcina with Gaara and Hamura. They came to her with open arms which Finley gets up and hugs them tight. Alcina gave a kiss and suddenly blind folded her, she takes her hand and leads to somewhat.
Apparently she could see everyone in the dinning room which they were all talking.

When they arrive to dinning room as the blindfold came off it was a party of some sort. Confetti were all over her as well as silly string which she laughs and doesn't know what's going on. She was placed in her chair and CoraLynn was in Alcina's chair. A few maidens came out with a big cake, the same ones who were there since the beginning.

"I'm just as clueless like you Finny." CoraLynn chuckles and looks at Karl

"What is all of this?" Finley ask and looks at her wife.

Alcina smiles and puts her arms around them and brought them close. She makes them look at the cake which had handing on it.

Happy Staying Anniversary!

Both of the women were more confuse and look at Alcina.

"Today is when you guys first came to my castle after Karl found you all in the bus." Alcina tells them, "Yes we forgot to celebrate it but we were dealing with battling ancestral beings, having children of our own and living our lives." She stated then continues, "So Happy Staying Anniversary, the children thought of the name so they went with it." She looks at the children who all nodded.

At that moment, it took Finley and CoraLynn to realize that it's been nearly thirty plus years. They were extremely old but yet they had immortality which made them forget as they were in a sudden deep space. Then Inca walks over and gently tap their shoulders which made them snap out.

"Are you guys okay?" Inca ask as she somewhat got nervous.

"We're good, it just surprise us which made us think of things..." Finley answer and gives a side hug, "This day is special as I; well we truly found our home." She added which CoraLynn agrees and hugs Inca fully.

Both of the woman both grab the knife and cut the cake, Eva and Toni were happy like everyone else. This day of the lords was one of their bestest lives they have ever had. A few maidens had brought Finley's camera as they were recording and taking photos of everything. While eating and drinking, the girls had brought out a TV on a roller cart that they and the other younglings made. Which they were going to show after an annual hide and seek game, of course Quinten and Rachel couldn't play because it was truly rough house playing.

The Deal x Resident evilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora