Masquerade Deal

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~A month an half Later~

After the whole incident with Finley and Alcina. CoraLynn has been watching her student like a hawk as she was very concern. She was getting worried, and Finley was acting like she was perfectly fine.

"Hey Fin, did you hear?" Daniela comes out of nowhere, "We are having a masquerade party!" She cheers and dances in a circle.

"A masquerade? That seems fun, when is it?" Finley was in the kitchen making her some tea and a snack.

Daniela told her that she doesn't know when, but she hopes to soon. She loves dancing and having fun at parties, even her sisters came in and told the same news.

Next, CoraLynn come walking slowly as she was coughing badly. Finley takes notice and rushes over to her as her professor almost fell onto the floor.

"C-CoraLynn..." Finley's voice shook, her Kokorogan was semi rising because she had seen this before.

"It's my heart...I'm almost running out of my medicine. Miss Donna has been trying to make more of them but I'm having side effects." CoraLynn sat down and puts both hands on her head, "I need have my real medicine but I'm saving them just in case." She added, "I need to try these out but they're making me sick." She coughs up some blood and phlegm.

Finley realize that it's been five months since they have been here. She didn't realize that time changes here, but she looks at the Dimitrescu girls and asked on where their mother was. Cassandra told Finley that she's in the library reading.

"I'll be right back...would you guys watch her for a bit?" Finley asked and made a decision on what to say to Alcina.

The daughters agreed and they took care of CoraLynn. Finley walks away as she had her head up high, walking with confidence and professional way.

~Many Stairs later~

Finley finally makes it too the library and knocks, her hears Alcina and walks in.

"Hello Pet Fin. What business do you wanna talk about now?" Alcina looks over and puts down her book.

"I came to make a strange deal." Finley locks the door, she took in deep breaths and walked over.

Alcina was intrigued as she crosses her legs over each other, and of course she was wearing her pink silk robe. Her eyes were blue as they were suddenly turning gold.

Finley looks at those eyes...thinking over her choices of words and making the ultimate sacrifice on helping her friends.

"I came here to make a deal...a life for life but in this's one life for all eight lives." Finley looks at her, "Listen here, CoraLynn is getting sick. Her medicine, she's running out of them and Donna's been making different versions for her. It's not working, and my friends here have families...who are worried about them." She continues on, "How would you feel if your daughters were taken from you for almost 4 to 5 months. And not knowing where they were?" She questioned Alcina about her daughters, "Overall, I'm willing to give myself up to save them. Each of their lives...accounts of one year...including mine. So you'll have me for the next nine years or however my body can handle being here. But I want you to let them go!" She finishes her statement. She had one hand on top of the head of the chair and the other one on her hip.

Alcina tilts her head, she was thinking and licks her lips. Finley shrugged her shoulders and waited for the answer.

"You're willing to give up everything for them...don't you have other family at home?" Alcina ask and Finley shook her head, "I think that's a wonderful have my word. As I, Alcina Dimitrescu, Mistress of Castle Dimitrescu and The Lady of the village. Here by letting you're friends be free." She held her right hand up and nods, "But I'll let them go after the masquerade party. And I want you and CoraLynn too look good when the lords, Mother Miranda and our other friends come in a week." She tells and sticks her hand out.

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