Recovering PT:1

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Miranda finally makes it home after yelling at Alcina, she walks inside and finds Finley missing. Two of the maidens were passed out as there was two broken vases.

"'s Miranda." She calls for her, then ruckus came from upstairs.

She then darts up, listens to the noise and finds her on the bathroom. Miranda gently knocks and waits for Finley to answer.

"Miranda...I'm sorry..." Finley cries from the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I already gave her a piece of my mind." Miranda tells her, " the door..." she said softy, she even cries as she didn't like showing it.

The door opens, both of them made eye contact and stayed silent for a minute. Finleys body began shaking horrendously and falls but was caught by Miranda as she wasn't going to allow that. Finley drops the small vases piece and cries onto Mirandas shoulders.

"I won't fail you and won't let you die, as you are important to me and important to the others." Miranda tells her, "Yes you won't be fine at first...but with time, the right and very strong medicines. You will get better. I promise you..." She hugs Finley tightly.

"I know..." Finley said with little voice she had left from screaming and crying, "Thank you...for saving me..." she was honest.

Next thing, Miranda walks with her slowly. They walk down the hallway as she opens a spare bedroom for her guest. Finley looks around as books were placed perfectly, the bed looks extremely comfortable and the feeling of relaxation began healing her.

There, Finley lays down and fully passes out. She didn't even take off her shoes or her coat, so there Miranda helps her.
She looks at Finley, a smile grew after hearing that she was able to save someone, which that meant a lot to her. Miranda covers her with the softest blanket and quietly leaves the bedroom.

"I have to call Donna, but first..." Miranda walks downstairs to check on her two maidens.

She makes it down stairs as her maidens were awake. One was resting on the chair and the other was standing up.

"My Lady..." one maiden said, "We saw and heard Finley calling out for her mother and sister...we thought she was having a nightmare, we slowly approached and bam...she quickly knocked us out without touching us..." she tells and the other maiden nods.

By hearing that, made Miranda question on how Finley was able to knock them out without touching them. But she was glad they were fine and heads back to her study room.

~Study room~

It was seven forty-five pm, Miranda knew that Donna was read at this time of the hour. She was on the phone as it rang. Then she hears someone as she knew it was Angie.

"Angie Beneviento speaking." Angie said with her scratchy voice.

"Angie, it's Miranda. I need to talk to Donna. It's important." She asked politely.

Angie calls for Donna as she was humming over the phone. The phone moves as Donna coughs.

"Hello Miranda, is there anything I can do to help?" Donna asked and coughs again.

" and I will be working together because Alcina has fully lost my trust. Now after what she had done to Finley." Miranda said to her, "She staying with me until she gets better, so will you help me?" She asked her, and of course Donna agrees as she tells her that she'll be over tomorrow.

There, Miranda tells Donna what Alcina has been doing to Finley and what she did to herself earlier. Donna was speechless as she was fully determine to help her, no matter the cost. They both agreed and said their goodbyes.

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