Zagatha PT:3

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(Continuing from last chapter)

The women had been in the castle for forever, which honestly was about an hour. While Dimitrescu girls were getting concerned, Angie was in the dinning room and talking to Eva as CoraLynn tries to comfort them.

"Girls, I see that you rather be out there and helping your family. But you must understand why they told you that you must back out from this fight." CoraLynn reminds them, "This Zagatha sounds strong and doesn't care for an—" She and the girls stop immediately after hearing Eva scream.

"EVA!" Bela shouts and already bolted to the room.

The women followed and seen Angie with a bloody nose. Her breathing was short and she began to cough. Daniela sees and helps Angie as she fell onto the ground. She wanted to say something but it was hard for her to speak for a second.

"Is it our family?!" Bela asked, Angie nods and clears her throat.

"Donna...she's hurt badly...I see Karl and Moreau..." Angie coughs hard, "I see Finley...your mother an..." She began to stiffen up, "Oh no..." She stops talking as she sat completely still.

The girls shook Angie as they didn't know what had happened. CoraLynn holds Eva as she sees her eyes turned white. Cassandra sees and tries to heal her but her eyes went back to normal.

"I saw through my mother's eyes...Donna's laying on the ground not moving. She was trying to help them but she just got hit." Eva holds her head, "Than I saw through a crow eyes that your moms but auntie-mom Alcina got hurt badly..." She sat up, "Both Uncles got hurt badly too...please cousins, go and save them!" She begs them for help.

CoraLynn was petrified, hearing that everyone were getting injured. She looks at them and made the uiltimate decision by letting them go and fight for the family.

" know what to do!" CoraLynn lifts Eva up and sat her on the chair, "Save your family and kill that bitch' ass." She added and then lays Angie on the table and covers her face with a napkin.

"You hears her girls! Let's save our family, even if it kills us. It's worth every penny as Finley said to us." Daniela makes her book appear that she has been writing chants.

All three woman headed off to the mains doors, Daniela saw the same hand signals that Finley cast over. But she only let herself and her sisters leave while Eva and CoraLynn stayed behind with Angie's body. They ran at first but transformed into their moth forms.

Bela was leading her sisters, her Kamihi abilities were strong after getting the scent of her families chakras. They stop to rest for a second as Bela used her abilities to see through the ground.

"What do you see Bel?" Daniela asked and pops her back.

"I swear on heaven and hell, if Zagatha did kill Donna and the others. We're going to kill her!" Cassandra and cracks or knuckles so she wanted to get going before it's too late.

Bella's eyes were closed as she felt the grounds vibration and seizes her family chakras and manage to hear some of the conversation.

~Glimpse of the fighting~



Bela sees Finley's chakras glowing up and absorbing some of Zagatha's. Then she sees her mothers chakras too as she came flying at them. Then the lights went out from her mothers body as something penetrated in her. She knew in her bones that her mother was just badly injured.


~End of Glimpse of the fighting~

Bela came out of her meditation mode and starts bolting with her sisters. she explains what she had seen through the ground. The three women buckled double time in their moth forms...

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