Bruised All Along Her Thighs |10|

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Author's Note fünfundsiebzig:
I promise...
this will be the last sorta sad chapter for a while; writing this story is making me depressed at the moment so I promise that the chapters that follow after this one will have a lot of fluffy moments

Don't get me wrong... this story won't turn all cliché, but I want the next few chapters to just be like 'feel good' chapters you know? lol i'm sick of sad nialler... when niall cries... the world cries :(

Song of the Chapter: Bleed for You by Hidden in Plain View <3 [check out the media section and listen to the song while Niall "sings" it to Channing]

!WARNING! I'm bowing my head in shame bc... i used the word "orbs" in this chapter. It makes me cringe because it has become so cliché when it comes to fan fiction... please... have mercy.

Guys you should go back and vote for the previous chapters of AKOTW & AKOTC... and remember... every vote for akotw/akotc is a vote for Jesus.

Dedicated to @Janine_Diandra for ALWAYS keeping up with the story and she pretty much keeps me from slacking off because she's always subtly asking me "hey, how's the new chapter coming along?" lol rather than "WHEN IS THE NEW CHAPTER COMING OUT TELL ME OR I WILL KILL YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY" haha cus sometimes that's how I start to feel when ppl ask me WHEN i'm going to update ;)

[P.S] sorry for all of my curse words always being like "fxck" "bixch" ugh it annoys me too but WATTPAD has been up my ass trying to restrict my stuff so i'm trying to stay off the radar grrr


Chapter 10: Bruised All Along Her Thighs

|| c h a n n i n g ||  [when she's still trapped in the house with Niall]

Niall was holding me tightly as we hovered near the top of the staircase; I tried to tell him that I could walk, but the one time he agreed to put me down, I almost fell flat on my face. Needless to say, he hadn't bothered listening to my pleas for independence since... and I guess I couldn't blame him, considering I could barely breathe let alone walk. Still, I felt so useless and guilty; this boy that was loved by millions was putting himself in danger just to help me. Although I was grateful, I was also terrified of something happening to him, not just for my sake, but the sake of all the girls around the world.

I subtly allowed my eyes to roam over Niall, fully taking in the adrenaline filled boy that was trying to save me. I felt him grip onto me tighter as he moved one of his arms over his forehead, wiping the sweat away.  The amount of tension that was building in around us was crippling as we held our breath and tried to listen for any noises that would indicate we could make our move. I was thankful that the intense pain that had been racking my body earlier was starting to die down, either that or I was becoming numb to the pain.

My eyes felt heavy and my head was still dizzy, but I wasn't sure if it was from my step father's fists, or the powerful sleeping pill he forced down my throat a few hours ago. Niall and I stood completely still as we heard loud footsteps walking around on the first floor and I heard him sigh in relief as three knocks sounded on the front door. My grip tightened around his neck and one of his hands caressed the small of my back reassuringly, however at the moment, it did little to calm my nerves.

As Niall slowly began to creep down the staircase, my eye caught something sitting on the edge of the banister, immediately making my heart sink; earlier he had placed Louis' cell phone on the railing as he'd attempted to readjust me more comfortably in his arms, and now it was sitting there, forgotten.  I met Niall's eyes once more and flicked mine up so that he'd catch my drift and look upwards; once he did so, I felt the worry pass over him as he debated on whether he should turn around to grab it.

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