Too Ready and Too Willing |23+|

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Author's Note einhundertein:

I'm so obsessed with Midnight Memories it's not even funny. Niall has so many solos I just wanna drop kick my panties across the galaxy. I CANNOT HANDLE THE FACT THEY ARE COMING TO SAINT fckin LOUIS for the WWA TOUR.

IM GOING TO SEE THEM ON AUGUST 27th 2014... LIKE SERIOUSLY I GOT FREAKING TICKETS AND IM YODELING ACROSS THE ROOFTOPS OF MY SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD btw I'm going to be 24 by then xD lol I'm laughing bc idgaf THOSE BOYS WILL BE WITHIN RAPING DISTANCE LEMME AT 'EM... LEMME AT 'EM.... i'm going to slither my ass all over the city, stalking my prey... and I mean, surely... they'll want to see the Saint Louis Arch, right? So ima be in that arch ride. I'll be hiding in the rafters... just waiting. THEN I'LL POP OUT OF THE CEILING LIKE A NINJA AND LATCH ONTO NIALL'S NECK LIKE A GODDAMN VAMPIRE.

im totally kidding tho... if I really saw them in real actual LIFE... i'd like run in the other direction bc i'm an awkward anticsocial sonovabish who is completely incapable of normal human interaction. I will stalk them though... and admire them from afar. BUT AINT NO WAY MY ASS IS GONNA BE ALL OVER THEM LIKE SOME FANGIRL NO WAY JOSE. PFFFT I'LL BE 24 GOTTA KEEP MY COOL DAMN... jk no promises. guess y'all are gonna just have to wait and see if I let the inner beast out of it's cage. i'll probably rip my clothes off immediately and be arrested for indecent exposure. ugh. rudE.

Oh and FYI... this chapter took so long bc my laptop is being a cuntzilla, therefore I typed the entire effing thing on my iPod. you're welcome.

WARNING: sex scenes coming your way! prudes shield your eyes. jesus sees u peeking <3 tehehe ;)

P.S dedicated to @liljnoons bc perf and she's been here since the beginning <3

Chapter 23: Too Ready and Too Willing

|| c h a n n i n g ||

When I first saw the boy approaching me, I thought very little of it; although, considering the sour taste of vodka that seemed to be permanently tainting my taste buds, I should have been a little more weary of strangers, let alone strangers who were men and attempting to approach me. My past experiences had led me to the conclusion that when men saw something they were able to take advantage of, very little else went into their thought process. I knew it wasn't fair for me to group all men on earth into the category of disgusting pigs, but there were only a very select few who seemed able to break out of that stereotype, at least in my opinion.

An annoying amount of familiarity began eating away at me as I studied the mans eager eyes and devious grin. I had seen him before, and I could feel the memories just buzzing below the surface, however, being as my brain was currently drowning in vodka, his snake-like eyes and wolfish grin just didn't sound any alarms aside from an aching deja vu that rumbled in the pit of my stomach, seeping up to clench at my lungs every now and then.

Before I even registered what was happening, the man had hooked his arm around my elbow in a too tight grip, before swiftly leading me away in the opposite direction of my table... away from my friends... away from Niall. I tried digging my heels into the cement floor in an attempt to halt his efforts, but either I was just too uncoordinated or the floor was too soaked in booze for me to get a firm enough grip. I whimpered as the drink I'd been clutching tightly tumbled out of my hand, soaking my shoes, making it even more slippery, which probably worked to my advantage since whoever this stranger was seemed to be getting a bit disgruntled that my clumsiness was drawing attention.

"Channing, come on," he hissed, a harsh amount of venom lacerating his words as he glared at me. In that moment, as he dropped his fake accent and clean-cut british boy act, that is when all of the puzzle pieces seemed to fit together. Tate.

My stomach sank at the realization of who was dragging me away, and he must have noticed the look in my eye, realized the game was up because that's when he took the time to mumble just loud enough for me to hear, "Jeff sends his love."

I was about to scream, alerting the attention of anyone who was close by when I felt his grimy hand cover my mouth, shoving my screams back down my throat as my eyes swelled with tears. My back hit a giveaway door quite firmly, knocking the air from my lungs as I stumbled backwards into a putrid smelling closed room; with a quick glance to the picture of a little stick figure on the door, I was overjoyed to discover I had been shoved into the men's restroom. Tate always did know how to keep things classy.

"I've been waiting a long time for this, Channy," he whispered as his dry lips sloppily traveled along my jawline and his hips thrust painfully against mine, pinning me to the wall of the first open stall he was able to drag me in to.

"You see, it's not really fair... my brother, well, he's gotten a few rounds with you, and all I ever seem to get is a disappointing groping session," he whined, his liquor rich breath spilling all over my face, making me eyes burn and skin crawl. Wait... brother? I probably should have been more alarmed when I heard him undoing his belt buckle, but frankly, I was just so tired of this. Not to mention I was so drunk I was past the point of caring. I was already used,  and he was going to do whatever he wanted, so why not just get it over with? Something in my mind reprimanded me, yelling at me because I may have felt a sick thrill for his firm grip on my hips, but I just swallowed down my strangely sober conscience and looked him in his murky eyes.

"Brother?" I managed to squeak out through his attempts of assaulting my lips; I couldn't tell if he was actually attempting to make out or just disgust me with the amount of saliva leaking out of his mouth.

"Yep, good ol' Officer Ryder," he said quickly, shoving his cold hands under my shirt, quickly groping upwards, reaching his hands under my bra in order to trace my nipples. My head was swimming with this new information. Wait, had I even told him no yet?

"Stop, get off of me," I try to yell out for good measure, but I was still a bit perplexed as to why he was even in London in the first place. Surely Jeff had better resources than fucking druggie asshole Tate.

I was about to ask another question when his rough hands immediately gripped my hips and turned me around so that my face was smashed against the disgusting stall wall with too much writing on it and only God knows what else. For whatever reason, my eyes seemed unable to look away from a drawing of a little kitten just above the toilet paper holder. Thank God there weren't any glory holes in sight.

I felt Tate grinding against my ass and groaning like a damn gorilla in my ear, which currently tore me away from the drawing and back to the current shitty situation I was in... oh right. Someone was trying to sexually assault me. Story of my life.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why aren't you fighting me back?" he growled, gathering my hair at the nape of my neck and ripping my head back so that he could look me in the eye.

I did probably the worst thing I could have done considering the current situation. I laughed.

Tate stared at me with wide eyes as I continued laughing, a few hiccups disrupting the happy sound here and there. For some reason, the fact that he was faking a British accent earlier was just now hitting me and making me laugh obnoxiously loud so that the stall was rattling on it's hinges.

Considering my blood had probably turned to pure vodka over the course of the night, I was finding everything a little funnier than it probably should have been.

I quickly bit my tongue as I felt a smack against my cheek, and his lips were at my ear once more, "Fight back you fucking slut. I don't care if you do want this. Fight back," he demanded, pinching my hip hard enough to bruise it while digging his nails into the small of my back.

I scoffed at his words, of course I didn't want this- want him -but nonetheless, I gave a sarcastic two finger salute and attempted to resist as he held my arms over my head. Barely 20 seconds passed before my chest deflated and I leaned over slightly as that damn laugh filled my lungs and tickled it's way back up my windpipe. Seriously, I wasn't going to fight back. I'd been through this enough to understand that sometimes fighting is what guys like Tate, Ryder and Jeff wanted... it's what they craved. I mean, it's not like I was turned on, but being with Niall had apparently awoken my inner sexual deviant, because I could feel myself getting a bit excited as Tate lowered his forehead to rest against mine, still holding my arms over my head.

In that moment, I closed my eyes, imagining the breath washing over my lips belonged to Niall, and I realized, I wouldn't mind at all if it were him treating me this way. My own thoughts were starting to scare me as I pictured Niall holding me down, covering my mouth, and just having his way with me. I gulped loudly as Tate's angry face was fading in the background as disturbing images of an angry Niall invaded my mind. I was never drinking alcohol again.

My fantasies were interrupted however as Tate's annoying voice rang in my ears once again, "You're obviously too drunk. Fuck this. I'll catch you when you're not brave because of the alcohol," he mumbled, giving me one last shove so that my head knocked harshly against the stall causing everything to drift in and out of focus as he backed away and I ungracefully slid to the ground.

"I'll be seeing you, Channing," the whispered promise wrapped around my neck in a vice grip, choking me as the world around me faded to black. Just lovely.

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