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The next day, well Harry kind of woke me and Hermione up, and then we saw Ron. Hermione did not have anything and went completely off. But I consider this Ron's 'confession' of love for Hermione.

But Hermione made sure it didn't change anything but I knew she secretly liked him back. Today we were going to see Xenophilius Lovegood to discuss the symbol. I caught up with Ron to see how the twins were doing, he said they were fine thank god.

We walked forever. Soon a tilted weird house came into view, I hope we see Luna. That would be nice!

We trudged to the house.


This was weird. I mean firstly I had no idea there was such thing as dririgible plums.

'Who's going to knock?' I ask

'No' Ron says

'Er...no' Harry states

'Childish you lot. I'll do it' Hermione inhaled and knocked on the door

I was stunned when a bedraggled man opened. He look like he had no sleep.

'What is it? Who are you?What do you want?' He asked vigorously

'Er to speak to you' I rolled my eyes

'Hello, Mr Lovegood, I'm Harry Potter. We met a few months ago, also don't mind mind Ev, she's a howler that never shuts up' Harry perks up as Xenophilius told us to come in 

'Could we come in?' He asked

He looked around anxiously, but let us in. He offered tea which I loved. And we haven't had in months.
We all sat down in the little living room, each of us has a cup in our hands.

'Where is Luna?' Hermione questioned

'Luna? She'll be along' Mr Lovegood said not catching our gazes

We all drank our cups at the same time. I finished mine.

'So, how can I help you Potter?' He scans us while sitting up

'Well..actually, it was about something you where wearing around your neck at the wedding.' Harry says expectantly

He reached down his chest and picks the same symbol up Hermione saw in her book The Tales of Beetle the Bard.

'You mean..this?' He raised his eyebrows

'Yes' i sighed heavily

'That exactly' Harry skimmed it wit his fingers as Xenopillius held it in his hand 

'What we wonder is, what is it?' Ron stared at at the silver symbol

'What is it? Well it's the sign of The Deathly Hallows of course' he eyed us all

'Huh? Never heard of it' I frowned

'The Deathly Hallows, I assume you're all familiar with 'The Tale of the Three Brothers' .' He asked

We all looked at him confused

'Yes' Hermione agreed

'No' me and Harry said in unison

'I have it in here' Hermione reached into that purple bag of hers, rummaging for the book.

'I swear you've got a whole library in there' I looked wide eyed

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