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Finallllyyy! The day we go to Hogsmeade! I got my money and put on my jacket and gloves, it snowed. Which was amazing! I'm so going to start a snowball fight!

I walked down by myself, the twins were elsewhere. I had some time to kill so I went in Zonko's. I got some stuff and walked into the three broomsticks. I saw literally all the Slytherins there, which was awkward. I sat down at a table. Playing with a mini firework. Until I felt a shadow being casted over me. I looked up to see a pair of eyes stare back down at me. It wasn't Draco, it was Crabbe and Goyle.

'Can I help you?' I said rudely

'Yeah, get off. This is our table' they snorted

'Do I see your names on it? I don't think so. Plus I don't think you could even fit on the seat, Crabbe' I toyed with them

I saw Crabbe go beat red. This was hilarious.

'Shut up and get up' Goyle tried to stick up for Crabbe who backed down. Wuss.

'No. I'm good here, thanks. Plus you have your table over there, with all the other snakes.' I pointed to the crowd of 'popular' Slytherins, including Draco.

Soon I saw them snatch my seat form under me as I fell on the floor. Everyone caught my eye and laughed. This was so embarrassing.

'Oh what now? Can't even fight back?!' The Slytherin's taunted

I stood up and patted myself down. I was mad. I then transformed into my animagus form. Everyone looked pretty terrified. I went for Crabbe and Goyle, ripping all their clothes, including their underwear. I attacked them. Until the ran out completely naked and cold. I then went back into my human form.

'That's what I thought' I shouted at the running

I looked at the group of Slytherin's, their eyes back at me. All equally terrified. They're probably going to snake on me. But who gives a fuck?

I then went outside. I felt someone walk after me. Soon someone's hand wrapped around mine and pulled me into an alleyway. My back was against the stoney cold wall. I saw it was Draco.

'What the fuck, Draco?!' I said

'What are you doing to me?' He said heavily

'What do you mean? I haven't done shit' I exclaimed

'Everything you fucking do drives me insane. Tell me Evanora how do you do it?! I should be falling for you, a Gryffindor' he said

Our faces inches apart, our eyes interlocked and filled with lust.

'So? Why are you falling for me then?' I said

His hot breath lingered over my lips

'I-I don't know. But everything about you makes me love you more. It's so fucking annoying but I can't help it' he pushed me into the wall even more

'Then do something about it' a smirk played on my lips

'You don't know the things I do for you, and to you' he raspy voice replied

'Then do the things you want to do to me' I replied without breaking eye contact

This reminds me of some hogsmeade before. When he declared his love. Feels like history is repeating itself. But this time, I feel the same.

'The things would be too dangerous in public, my love' he laughed lowly

Soon he dipped his head and out lips collided with passion. We both closed our eyes completely consumed in one another. Who knew a Malfoy, would fall for someone, like me.

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