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Christmas was here. I didn't care anymore, people have wondered where I've been. But truth is, I've just been alone in the bathroom all the time. No girls ever go there anymore, probably because of Mrytle. She didn't dare approach me, I didn't want anyone to console me or anything. I just wanted to be alone. I had completely lost myself, I drowned myself
In my own tears. I don't even know what to do anymore. Should I make a redemption? Should I prove I'm not someone to mess around with? Well, I've done too much proving. I've felt more alone than ever, nobody gets it. Nobody ever will.

It was a week before we were meant to leave. I didn't want to, the bathroom had become my safe place to hide from the judging eyes. I also summons amounts of alcohol. Which kind of helped. But it just made me feel even more shit. I was truly broken, just like father had been when mother left. Love was just stupid. So stupid.

So I turned to alcohol and drugs. It got my mind off things, I would always secretly go to the muggle world, down a dodgy alleyway. And meet one of the friends, well, drug dealer friends. I relapsed a lot, I did a lot of drugs. It was the only thing keeping me alive at this point. I don't even know who I was, and what I've become.

Everyday I kept taking them, until I just broke down. I fell to the floor, completely knocked out. Dropping the pills all over the floor.

'Is she going to be okay, Poppy?!' I heard a faint voice say

I wanted to open my eyes but I was so mentally exhausted I could do anything but move

'Yes, she overdosed. If one of the prefects didn't go to the bathroom, she could of been dead' another voice filled my ears

'She needs rest, and alot of meds. To flush it out her system. She will have to stay over the Christmas period if she wants to continue learning at Hogwarts' I heard a hoarse voice of Dumbledore

I heard steps leave. I finally had the strength to open my eyes, though they were blurry and animated to the light.

'Oh, how are you feeling dear?' Madam Pomfrey asked

'Shit, you?' I asked

'You had a terrible fall, You're barely alive.' She concluded

'Yeah, sometimes I wished I was dead, away from all this fucking shit' I whispered

'Don't say such things! You are living for a reason!' She said with sympathy

'I don't want to live anymore' I said

Pomfrey just stared at me. I was right, I couldn't be bothered to live in a society, where everything is wrong.

'Oh Miss Black, times will be low, for you they are.  But there is always going to be light at the end of the tunnel' she smiled

'What if there was no light in the first place?' I questioned

'Then..then I don't know' she looked down at her feet

'You..don't know?' I asked

She slowly nodded her head

She then left my bed. As I just stared at the ceiling. I didn't realise I was crying until I felt a wet patch forming on my pillow. I didn't want anyone to know i was here.

Soon I heard cheering outside. I knew there was a match going on, probably Slytherin and Gryffindor. But I just didn't care anymore. And soon I fell into a death like sleep.

Until I saw the teacher for Muggle Studies approach my bed

'Miss Black.' She started

I turned my face towards her

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