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Days went by, she banned everything! Quidditch! Even pranks! And we had to be at least eight inches apart from boys, which was probably hard for Parkisnon. Hermione the other night was rambling on about how Umbridge is terrorising the school. So we spoke to my father and he suggested we'd make a army, or a cult more like to cause an uprising. It was genius!

We would be lead by Harry. And we are planning to have a meeting when we next go to Hogsmeade. My hand has healed, but as it healed, Umbridge got worse. There was like over 100 decrees on the wall!

Draco and I, we'd always meet at the Astronomy tower. He was nice to talk to without all his friends around. But I hardly saw him around school, but I knew he'd probably be terrorising some first years.


I summoned Mr Malfoy to my office. I needed to discuss...things. He sat down as my back was turned to him.

'You wanted to see me, sir' he said

I was his godfather after all.

'It has come to my attention that you take a certain interest in..Miss Black' I turned to face him

My face showed nothing. But inside, this feels like déjà vu. When my golden times with Lily at Hogwarts. So golden....

'I-I can explain, please don't tell father' Draco stuttered

'Hush now, Draco. I won't tell anyone. But don't fall into the same trap I did. All those years ago...' I bowed my head

I'm not shameful that I love Lily Evans, I'm scared for Draco to fall for someone that will be stolen by a Gryffindor. Like James Potter did to me.

'What do you mean by trap?' He asked

I sighed

'Many moons ago I fell inlove, the girl was a Gryffindor. But she was taken from me by none other than a bully, another Gryffindor stole her love to me. And relished it.' I said with distaste

'Who was she? What was her name?' Draco questioned curiously

'Lily..Evans. But known by another name, Lily Potter.' A tear glistened in my eye

'I'm so sorr—'

'Miss Black reminds me of her other than her father. You reminded me of myself, a bit. I don't want you to get hurt' I said recollecting myself

'I didn't know.' Draco said lowly

'You don't know how much I love her. She was mine, my lily. Never his' I didn't even use James's name

'Evanora is my Lily.' Draco declared

He loved this girl. I will do everything to help it.

'Draco you don't know, declare your love before somebody else does. You never know when someone like James Potter sweeps along and takes the only girl I ever loved. Don't leave it last minute' I advised

He nodded and left. I felt uneasy, I felt tears drop from my eyes, remembering Lily. Oh my dear Lily. I picked up a photo in a cabinet, of me and her...just only us. Oh I'd give anything to see her face again. Her bright face. I put the special photo back in the cabinet and prepared for me next lesson


I was with Fred and George in the courtyard. All of us were crowded by many people because we were playing with fireworks. Soon the firework disappears and everyone's cheering went silent as we all gave a dirty look to a particular toad faced cunt. She smirked and walked away

'Is she serious?' I said in disbelief

'Can't get any fun round here can we?' Fred remarked

'It's our last year I don't want this toad to ruin it' Gergoe intervened

I was sad I won't be seeing the twins anymore at Hogwarts after the summer. I want to make this the best year for them. But that dirty cow is ruining it all.

We all went in, life was so boring here. Nothing happened, and nothing will. But me and the twins need to change that.

I had potions now. And Professor Snape ranting on about a random potion I don't care about. Soon I felt my eyes closing as I rest my head on the desk.

But I was awakened by laughing. I squinted my eyes and looked up. I saw Snivellus looking down at me like I'm some wild animal.

'Care to show us what I was talking about?' He asked with a price of chalk in his hand

I smirked and nodded. I took to chalk confidently as I walked to the chalkboard. I had completely no idea what I was doing.

I started to write. And by the end I stood back. It was a picture of Professor Snape and Umbridge getting married, just as bad as eachother. I also wrote 'Smelly Snivellus and Ugly Umbitch!'

I started to laugh as everyone else did. I turned to see everyone face about it to burst of laughter. Accept the Slytherin's. Snape then March foward and snatched the chalk off me.

'Twenty points from Gryffindor' he snarled

'It was worth it' i mumbled and he heard

'Sit down now!' He shouted at me

I just laughed

'You're so funny' I sat next to Hermione

'Now other than the distraction from Miss Black..' he eyes me as everyone else did, the Slytherin's with scowls on their faces. Accept Draco.

'I want you to make wiggenweld potion, it isn't that hard, so i expect you all to make this exquisitely. Turn to page 56 in your books. You will all be assessed. ' he finished

i got my book and found a spot. i opened to page 56, and this was like a different language to me. i had no clue

'Hey Mione, i'll pay you to do this for me' i whispered to the spot opposite me.

'quiet' i heard Snape scold from his desk

Honestly teachers.

'No! if you want to pass you have to do it properly' she whispered-shouted

'You do Ron's homework and don't say anything' i snarked

She went red!

'That's homework!' She mumbled

'They're still assessing you for it' I mumbled back

Fine. If she wants to play it like that. I'll just make risotto! (Loool Evanora is such a mood)

I got some stuff from my bag, I have an extension charm Hermione put in it. So I have all the ingredients I picked up from the muggle world.

So I snuck it under my robe. And went back to my station. I filled the cauldron up with water and started to boil it. I added all the ingredients and the aroma was amazing!

'Is that risotto I smell?' Hermione sniffed the air

'Bloody hell it is, and they must be good at cooking because it smells good' Ron sniffed the air aswell

'Thanks, Ron' I smirked

'Nora?! Are you serious? Cooking risotto?! You know you won't even get a grade for this' Hermione scolded

I just shrugged and went on with it. When Snape came around to check it all, he finally came to me.

'Hm, Miss Black, what do you call this?' He asked

'Er, the potions you wanted' I lied

'I'm not stupid. Ten points from Gryffindor for cooking risotto.' Snape dismissed

All the Gryffindors just eyed me. So what? It was a good risotto.

Oh well.

I LOVED this chapter omg, I hope you did too!



𝕀𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕤  || D.MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang