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I walked into the classroom, yes I had forgotten about the time so when I arrived everyone was already seated.

'Ah! And you are...?' The plump raspberry asked my name

'Harry James Potter. You?' I sarcastically replied

'Your name girl' she said more sternly

I wish she was Moony, he would of got the joke.

'Er..Pansy Parkinson...actually no, I'm not that ugly' I said to myself

'Hey?! Did you all hear that! She called me ugly' she whimpered at Malfoy who stared right back at me

'Your name!' She shouted

'Hm, hard question. Oh here it is, I'm Umbridge the human walking raspberry!' I mocked her

'Detention! I will not tolerate this behaviour in my classroom!' She shouted which made everyone jump

I just laughed. I love toying with people.

'For what? Saying my name?! Pathetic' i sassed

'Sit down you insolent girl!' She ordered

I took my spot in a free spot. But unluckily I was next to Blaise Zabini. Who just smirked, he was pretty. And very nice to look at. But I think Malfoy corrupted him.

'Hey. I don't think we've met' Blaise whispered beside me

'No. We haven't. I'm—' I was going to carry on but he interrupted

'I know who you are. Malfoy always talks about you to me. It's getting annoying really. He won't shut up' he laughed

He talks of me? But why?

'Why?' I whispered

'Well..he has a huge crush on you, but won't admit it, he doesn't want to. He's in a state of denial, Pansy isn't helping either, she payed Theodore Nott to go out with you and split you and Malfoy—' he slapped his hand over his mouth

I realised. This was all a joke?!

'I said too much' he mumbled

'Parkinson?! Payed Nott to go out with me to split me and Malfoy up. We weren't even dating! Oh wait til I get hold of that two faced pug' I went bright red with rage.

'Technically yes. I'm sorry, I tried to talk them out of it but—' Blaise sympathised

'I don't want to hear it. You've said enough' I shut him up. I focused on the lesson, there was books on each of the table, and it was a beginners book?!

'Seriously? A beginners book?! We're fifth year students, not first year!' I exclaimed

'Quiet now' she tutted

'Previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven but plead to know from now on you will be following a carefully structured approved course of defensive magic' she exclaimed looking at all our bored faces. Out the corner of my eyes Malfoy was secretly looking at me, I turned my head as we caught eachothers eyes.

Something changed, no wonder everything felt disfigured, I found out...I had this weird feeling, something I never had with Nott. It was fake, but this was real. Real...love.

But no. I won't allow it, if betray Gryffindor! No way, but Nott is a Slytherin, but Malfoy..he's Gryffindor's biggest enemy!

'Mr Malfoy, use your eyes to read through the book and not to look at Miss Black!' She dismissed

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