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My eyes fluttered open, I wasn't in the lake anymore. My vision was blurry, I could hardly see what was going around. I then started to choke, my water intake was so much.

'Easy' I heard a voice call out

I know what voice. It was Hermione. Soon I then felt someone help me sit up. I rubbed my eyes. God, they were stinging. I made out the fluffy hair. I saw Ron and Harry there aswell.

'How are you? I'm sorry I couldn't get you in time, I almost drowned myself' Harry laughed

'It's fine' I couldn't make out any words

'I told you this was a bad idea' McGonagall said from the far corner, I looked to see all the teachers there. Many wires were attached to me.

'Firstly, I cannot believe you put me in danger of death, you're lucky you're not cancelled because the Ministry could easily make all of you loose your jobs' i spat.

I looked back at the trio.

'Did you win?' I smirked

'Really? You literally almost drowned and you come out with that?' Ron muttered

'Well..?' I roadies my eyebrows

My stinging eyes focused themselves so I could see the room perfectly. I looked to my nightstand to see many thing placed on it. Mostly from the twins.

'Yeah..we'll I can second, Cedric came first' Harry smiled

'Well at least you didn't get last' i jokes

'Evanora. I didn't even know this happened to you. You looked so unwell' Hermione looked concerned

'Yeah yeah, I know' I shrugged

'Well...the teachers all rushed to where you were planted, and pulled you out on a stretcher infront of everybody' Ron said

'That's embarrassing.' I joked

I then got a hit over my aching head. I massaged it

'Padfoot, why aren't you ever scared of anything' Harry asked

I didn't know what to say. So I just shrugged. I was too weak to transform. Soon I saw Pomfrey rush in.

'Oh my dear, let's get your medicine' she fumbled with some things

'Why do I need medicine?' I asked

'Well, you basically got beaten up by grindylows, they thought you were food' she tsked

I looked over my body to see little bite marks and scrapes in red.

'Well...at least I'll be known as the girl who lived and defied drowning' i joked

'Hey! Only I have that title, you can't outdo the doer' Harry nudged me

'Oh watch me' I smirked

Pomfrey gave me my medicine, the trio went to their classes. So I looked at all the things I got. I had heard the other teacher talking about how Barty Crouch got murdered. All of a sudden? Weird.

I came across a little tiny black box with a green ribbon. I undid it. To see a pendant, a green one. I saw it opened so I opened it. And my eyes widened, it was...mother and father, they looked like they were in their teens, obviously in Hogwarts robes.. My eyes started to swell with tears. Who gave this to me?

I looked to the nightstand to see a note. I picked it up with glossy eyes and figured out the writing.

Dear Evanora,

𝕀𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕤  || D.MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now