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'He was at school with us, we thought he was our friend' Lupin explained as Harry went to aim the wand at Moony.

'No, he's dead, you killed him ' Harry says confused looking to father

'No he didn't!I thought so to until you mentioned you saw Pettigrew on the map' Remus defended father

This is why I love him!

'It was lying then—' Harry tried to start but go cut off.

'The Map never lies Pettigrew's alive and he's right there' I pointed to Scabbers.

'Hey they're Mental—'Ron started thinking I'm pointing to him

'No you twat.' I facepalmed

'No your rat!' Sirius says to scabbers who was trying to scramble out of his grasp.

'Scabbers has been in the family for—'Ron starts trying to add up all the dots

'—12 years, curiously long life for a common garden rat' Sirius says advancing near Ron who tried to get away.

'He's missing a toe isn't he?' I looked from father to Scabbers

'So what?' Ron defends

'All you could find of Pettigrew was his—'Harry realised

'Was his finger!' Sirius shouts, coming closer and closer.

'The coward cut it off to make everyone think he was dead and he transformed into a rat' he said looking down at scabbers. Everyone was shocked, Hermione had an unreadable expression

'Show me' Harry still had Mione's wand raised

He then tried to snatch scabbers from his grasp and Ron wouldn't let go, he became so attached to it. Scabbers started squeaking like mad. As he got him by the scruff of his neck. Then luping got his wand out and Sirius out him on the piano as he started running and scurrying away. They started firing spells at it and kept on missing. Soon scabbers went off the piano as Lupin and Sirius circled him. Soon I them hit him with the spell mid when scabbers was going through the whole. I backed away when it transformed into a person. Everyone looked terrified

Both the two adults got the lump man out. I just stared at the ugly man, oh my gosh that man needs a manicure.

'R-Remus, S-Sirius my old friends' Peter said through his buck teeth which did indeed look like a rat

Then coward then tried to run for it but obviously failed.

He looked around and his attention swung to Harry, his eyes out of his face.

'H-Harry look at you, you look so much like your father like James we were the bestest of friends' he said looking at Harry basically backing him onto the wall

'Get your filthy hands off him you psycho, don't talk to Harry like that!' I got one of the wood panels and threw it at Pettigrew

'How dare you speak about his father to Harry' Father seethed, Pettigrew then tried to run around the piano They circled him around the dusty old piano.

'You sold James and Lily to Voldemort' Lupin pointed his wand at him.

'I didn't mean to' Pettigrew cowered in fear. I felt so angry how low can someone ever get. And people say my father is a killer?!

'What do you mean you didn't mean to! You knew what you were doing! Harry's and my life was ruined because of you!' I was about to blow.

'The dark lord had weapons he possesses, Sirius what would you have done' Pettigrew pointed a boney disgusting finger at him challengingly

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