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Things have progressively gotten better. But every day Draco's owl would always give me roses, I knew all the Slytherin girls were fuming. And Draco would do anything. Hermione however, told me she'd do all my homework for the rest of the year. Which I said yes to, but we are on...okay term I guess. I did move back in with Hermione.

Umbridge never got any better, she tried to fire Trelawney! I mean I get she's crazy but what was the need?

DA meetings were going really well. That was until, we were practicing and I realised Cho wasn't there.

We were all trying to produce a full bodied patronus. Fred and George and many others did it. Ron's one knocked Neville over which was really funny.

I couldn't perform one, not yet anyway. But the. The lights started to flicker. Everyone stopped as Luna's bunny patronus disappeared.

'What's happening?' I asked as Fred put an arm around my shoulder

I saw Nigel go forward to look at a crack in the wall

'I'll make short work of this' I heard Umbridge's voice

'Oh shit' I mumbled

'Bombarda maxima'

Soon the whole wall busted down. Fred pushed me back with him, covering my face. As the rubble descended, there was dust smoke. Until we all saw the other side. I saw..Draco with Cho in his grasp looking guilty. I saw Draco's face drop has his eyes landed on my ones.

Soon all the Slytherins charged at us, everyone tried to flee. Unluckily, me and Harry were the only ones to get captured. I was in the hands of Draco.

'What the fuck where you doing?' He mumbled

'Doing what's right' I tried to fight but his grasp was too tight

'Why, she will put you under the blood quill again. I don't want you getting hurt' he said

'Why do you care?' I tried to fight

'Because I love you, Ev' he smiled

'Let me go' I asked

But we were already there. We all went in. Draco still glued to me. Umbridge demanded Dumbledore would go to Azkaban, but made a short exit

'You may not like this minister, but Dumbledore's got style' Kingsley said

I stifled a laugh.

And that was it, we were all sentenced to the blood quill.

Which later on the following day, we were all in the hall, after hours. All of us doing lines with the hood qoill. Gasps and groans where heard from across the hall. I looked up to see Umbridge smirking at our faces

I wrote

'Draco Malfoy' I was etched onto my skin like a tattoo. Well I had previously split my hand doing this so I was used to the pain. I was writing Draco Malfoy because that's the only person who is on my mind

Once we were all finished, I walked with Ginny along with Fred and George. We passed Cho, who snitched on us.

'Evanora..' she trailed off

I got my wand out and incarnated a spell. On her wrist, the word 'snitch' was embedded into it

'That's what you get, snitch' i snarked looking up and down at her, with a dirty look before scoffing

She looked like she was going to cry. We all went back to the Gryffindor common room.

'Hey! I have a mad idea for a prank, for mine and Freddie's send off' George smiled

I was perched on Fred's bed. As Fred tried on the Gryffindor girls uniform

'I look like a princess. Ugh, no Prince with worthy of me' Fred said in a posh accent

Me and George burst out laughing.

'We need a lot of fireworks to let it happen' I smiled

'Oh come on, we are Fred and George, we have tons' Fred walked over to a wardrobe and a mountain of fireworks poured out

'Wow' I said

'It is wow, it's our pride and joy, Ev' Fred smiled

' I bet it is, I can't wait for your shop to open, I am your number one fans and will own some of
The business with you' i smiles hugging them both

'Okay, who wants to tell a horror story' Fred got a torch as George turned off the lights

The night was so funny. It was like third year again. I soon fell asleep

So I went. And I saw Draco there looking out into the distance, at the Astronomy tower.  In silence

'Draco?' I asked

He turned around to face me. I showed him my hand, his finger traces it.

'Why'd you write my name?' He asked

'I don't know. I was thinking of you' I looked down at his hands which were now untwined with mine. His cold ones with my warm ones.

We both took a chance to stare at each other.

'So I'm guessing you liked my roses?' He asked

'No.' I blushed

'You did' he laughed

'Maybe I did, maybe I didn't' we both laughed together.

This was the only time in ages I was being civil, things felt right

'You're so beautiful, Ev' he smiled

'My Evanora..' he trailed off

He lifted my chin up. I felt like I was in a trance. And soon his soft lips touched mine. And we shared something we both were longing for

The moonlight mapping out our connected silhouettes.

I opened my eyes to stare at the ceiling, Fred and George both spreaded out on the floor. So it was a dream? Well fuck. A dream.

I soon fell back asleep, but Draco filled my mind
And reader, if you are reading. I wish it wasn't a dream


Heyyyyy and this chapter oh my god r u srs a dream??????
Looool soz to tease you readers
Ty for reading and voting, comment your thoughts if you want to


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