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The day of the third task. Time flies,yes Malfoy had gotten his hair back to normal, and I was put into detention for a week from Professor McGonagall. Which to me is complete shit, Slytherins always take things so seriously. It was summer, we were in June. Nothing really has happened since the second task. But I know life is a little to good to be true, it's getting weird.

However, Hermione and Ron seem to have a 'thing' going on. Or want to. I knew Ron liked her, it was so obvious. The Weasley twins and I didn't really care about relationships, not like the Slytherin girls. All they care about is sex, money and drama. The Ravenclaw's keep to themselves, and Hufflepuff's tend to charm people. Gryffindor..well they were a mix of them all I guess.

I mainly kept to myself, I didn't really share feelings. Even if I did it would be with the twins. I had heard the 'rumours' about Puggy and Malfoy. How they dated and fucked in Snape's classroom. Bullshit.

Occasionally I felt the Slytherins eyes on me. When I eat, or do anything. It was getting freaky. Some of them would tease me but I didn't let them get to me. They're just childish, well I can't really say that.

I was on the common room waiting for the twins to finish changing so we could go down to the stadium. They got out and we had to run otherwise we'd be late.

Once we got there, I sat down next to Hermione. The twins were behind me. We all watched as the four champions went into that creepy maze, it looked cool but. Scary.

There was no word or any missile red spark fly in the sky yet. So everyone was just talking and betting on who was going to win. Obviously Cedric Diggory was the favourite to win. No surprise.

'When do you think they'd be back?' Hermione asked me

'I don't know but—'

I got cut off from an explosion, and a scream. Everyone turned and faced the maze to see a red missile shoot from inside the maze. This was terrifying.  

'Looks like someone's in trouble' I muttered

'Who do you think it is?' Ron asked

Soon we saw a battered Fleur come from the maze.

'Oh my Merlin' I mumbled

The sight of her was horrifying, she looked like she'd just fought Voldemort. I could see fear painted on her face as she went over to her friends. I heard a squeal from a few stands up to see Malfoy and Parkinson cuddling. I wanted to be sick. I could be a better girlfriend.

'Who are you looking at?' Hermione whispered

I whipped my head around and faced the front

'Er-nothing. Why is that your concern?' I said quickly

'I'm not stupid, I know you were looking at Malfoy. You like him don't you?' She assumed

'Pfft as if. I'd probably let You-Know-Who kill me than to be with him' I laughed it off nervously

'I wouldn't say that, Black' Malfoy's voice shouted at me

He must of heard. Oh well.

Me and Mione turned around, Ron was in his own world nearly falling asleep.

'What do you mean?' I questioned

'You see..I'm a Malfoy, I'm hot. And I bet you couldn't even stand yourself when you see me in your bed' he smirked

'First of all..ew. As if, other words do describe you as,is the opposite of hot. More like a self-centred, dumb, asshole piece of Merlins mouldy vomit' I retorted

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