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Today was the trials for both quidditch team and cheer team for Gryffindor. Hermione didn't want to try out so she sat on the stands. As I was elected the captain, surprisingly I had to take it. I got my cheer clothes on.

"Alright ladies, now I will put you through your paces because Gryffindor only allow the best of the best. So I need your full co-operation or you will immediately be excluded from trying." I shouted

Everyone looked pretty thrilled, I was a natural born leader. So this wasn't hard, everyone listened and stood in a line, I looked over to see Harry having quite a hard time, but Ginny saved the day. Many of the girls were talented, doing flips and everything. I put them into groups and the best overall routine would win spots on the Gryffindor cheer team.

I looked up to see Ron nearly falling off his broom, I heard lavender squeal with fear. I knew she liked him, it was too obvious.  Hermione didn't care, but I knew deep down she does. Once I was finished I congratulated all of them and team sheet will be up tomorrow.

I was happy I went back as I heard clapping. Oh my gosh! Ron had just gotten keeper! We all went back to the common room with our heads held high. Me, Harry and Hermione was sitting comfortably onto the ground, I was playing with a ball, Hermione was reading the Daily Prophet, Harry was with his advanced potions book. Ron was still bewildered that he got Keeper.

"I have to admit, I thought I was going to miss that last one." He sighed happily

"I'm happy for for you, Ron. Just don't act like a mug in the actual game." I joked

"Yeah shut up, Ev. I hope Cormac isn't taking it too hard. He's got a bit of a thing for you Hermione, Cormac." Ron looked at her, she gave a very well earned glare in his direction

"Ew. Cormac Mclaggen? He's literally the definition of a Fuckboy. Other than Draco. I'm glad you won over him Ron, or I would of resigned" I shrugged

"He's vile." She merely said turning back to the Prophet, the fire hearing us all up.

"Oh yeah, Nora is there something going on between you and Malfoy?" Ron questioned

"Yes. A lot actually, he loves me. I do back. End of story" I kept messing around with my ball

"Malfoy?! Are you joking?" Ron looked at me in disbelief

"Ronald, you don't know him. He's quite kind actually"

"He's been bullying us since first year, Ev. He's not good for you." Ron looked at me

"Ronald! Evanora is capable of making her own choices! And I'm sure she doesn't want your opinion " Hermione defended

"Chill out, Hermione" he laid back

"That's great! Get close to Malfoy and see if he really is a deatheater, he could probably kill you, Ev. His father and his aunt are linked to Voldemort, you know how much of a risk that is?" Harry told me

"I know what I'm doing, Harry. Trust me." I brushed it off

"It's too dangerous. Malfoy is dangerous, Voldemort could kill you in a split second! Malfoy could betray or use you to defend himself against Voldemort! He's a coward! Voldemort will use you to get to me." Harry said rather annoyed

"No! I'm not a child. Leave me and Malfoy alone he vowed to protect me and never betray me" I blurted out

They all stared at me

"Ev..what did you do?" Ron looked fearful

"I made the unbreakable vow." I sighed

"Evanora are you crazy?! Do you know what you've done?!" Hermione said wide eyed

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