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I was laying down on my bed looking at the ceiling. Soon I heard something downstairs, I rushed down the stairs to see father and everyone.

'Fred! George!' I ran into their arms

'Well isn't it our favourite prankster after us' they said proudly i then smirked and hugged Ron and Mione.

'Now all of you go upstairs. We need a private chat!' Molly rushed us all upstairs

I took them to my bedroom. We sat down and waited for Harry.

'You know don't you?' Hermione asked me

'What?' I said

'Harry's getting expelled, from Hogwarts for using underaged magic infront of a muggle' Hermione exclaims

I was internally shocked, Harry wouldn't do it intentionally.

'Maybe he did, but I'm sure he had a reason' I collected myself from my thoughts

'The Ministry is furious' Ron replied

Apart of me felt sad, this year was going to be when the twins leave. But it's a year we will make it like no other.

'Hey Nora, we were thinking, because Harry gave us the money from the tournament we want to open our shop' both twins smiled brightly

'No way! That's amazing! I know it will be very popular' I squealed with excitement

'We know, and we'd like you to be our second in command' they said proudly

I hugged them tightly. I couldn't be happier for them. They deserved it.

'So...Evanora, how was your summer?' Hermione looked at me

'Eventful, yours?' I smirked

'Ordinary, like any other' she shrugged
We all walked down the stairs to see Harry at the door of it. I ran down as fast as I could

'Harry!' I jumped into his arms

'Nora!' He laughed soon the door knob turned and we all saw Harry standing in the doorway. Hermione kept up and hugged him immediately

'Harry!' she said in relief, was she worrying about us.

'Are you alright? We heard them talking about the dementor attack' she explained looking at his blunt face

'You must tell us everything' She exhaled deeply

'Easy Hermione' Ron mutters behind her but she ignores

'There's a hearing at the Ministry, it's just outrageous, I looked it up they simply can't expel you, it's completely unfair.' she states looking at Harry's irritated

'Plus, you're Harry Potter' I smiled

'There's a lot of that going round at the moment' he murmurs back

'What is this place?'  Harry looks around my room

'My bedroom? What does it look like.' I said sarcastically

'Yeah yeah I'm not that stupid' he eyes me

'It's headquarters' Ron replied

What's headquarters?!

'Huh? Headquarters. This is my home' i cross my arms

'The Order of the Phoenix' Hermione blurted out, not catching our eye

'It's a secret society, Dumbledore formed it back when they fought you-know-who' Hermione sighs

'How comes I didn't know any of this?!' I stood next to Harry eyeing their guilty faces

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