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Me and Harry both walked to dinner, catching up on the years I've missed with him. He told me all about Tom Riddle and Voldemort in first and second year. Wow, Harry has been through a lot!

We both walked in the hall, I made eye contact with Malfoy who had a sling, of course he was out of the Hospital wing. Me and Harry both went to the Gryffindor table. I sat down next to Fred and George. We were going through some prank plans when I overheard Parkinson fawning over Malfoy.

'Does it hurt terribly, Draco?' She asks touching his sling over so slightly

So his name was Draco. Draco Malfoy.

'It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself lucky. Madame Pomfrey said another minute and I could've lost my arm' he replies

I turned around.

'That is the most biggest lie I've ever heard'

All the Slytherins turned their heads to look at me. A Gryffindor.

Malfoy then spoke up.

'Lie?! I could've lost my arm? Are you dumb that bloody bird hurt me! But obviously i handled it like a Malfoy' he smirked triumphantly

'What? By whining on the floor like a baby? Grow up, Malfoy' I exclaimed

I could practically see steam out of Parkinson's ears.

'How dare you! Contradicting the Slytherin Prince?!' She spoke up

'Malfoy needs his little protectors, does he? Can't fend for himself? How sad. And seriously, Slytherin Prince? Looks like a Slytherin parasite to me' i eyed Malfoy

'You'll pay for that one, Halfblood.' He sneered

'Got your wand in a twist, Malfoy? For stating the facts?' I laughed

'Says the one who's father murders people. Honestly pitch myself off the astronomy tower if I were you, I don't know how you could live with yourself, Black.
You'll probably be a killer aswell' Malfoy scoffed

Now that hit a nerve.

'I bet your father does worse. I mean, Lucius Malfoy has ruined the lives of many with his 'blood supremacy', and you have the audacity to comment on my father. Look at yourself' I retorted with a fake smile

'Do you want to end back in the Hospital wing because of your dumb moves? Talk to me about my father and you'll be in there with back injuries' I threatened

He backed down.

'Leave it, Nora' Fred said eyeing the Slytherin's who were looking back at us.

I stuck my tongue out at Malfoy before turning back.

'Listen to the idiot.He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?' Ron stared at Malfoy who went back to his 'wounded' arm.

'Tell me about it' i said picking up where the twins and I left off from Pranking stuff.

'At least Hagrid didn't get fired' Harry stated

'Yeah but I hear Draco's father is furious. We haven't heard the end of this' Hermione looked at all of us

'I bet Draco made it more dramatic than it was, isn't that right Prongs?' I smiled

'Yeah, he's always been like that, Padfoot' Harry looked at his books

'Since when did you guys called each other that? What is a Prongs and a Padfoot?' Ron asked

'The names of our fathers nicknames they called each other' we exchanged looks

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