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We all boarded the train to Hogwarts for our fifth year. Things were alright, thankfully the Ministry let Harry off the hook but he told me Dumbledore had been acting off. Like he was being secretive about something, which was odd. We were the last ones to hop off the train, or so we thought. Me, Hermione, Ron and Harry all got off until we heard a obnoxious voice behind us.

'Surprise the ministry's letting you walk round free, Potter. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it' he scoffs

Harry lunged forward but Ron caught him. Draco backed away.

'I'm telling you, a complete nutter' he scoffed

'Just stay away from me!' Harry called out

I gave Draco a dirty look but he only winked. God he was so aggravating. Why is he not vexed by me? But I was sure vexed by him.

We all got the the castle safely. We all were sitting at our Hogwarts table, I was sitting next to Hermione and on the other side was Harry. Over the summer I got my nose pierced. I hit puberty just like Harry and Ron, Hermione hasn't really changed but I have. I also got some tattoos, one on my right arm saying 'I'm solemnly swear, that I am up to no good'. Which was my favourite. Down the spine of my back was the sword of Gryffindor tattoo. Which was my favourite, it wasn't big, it was more middle sized. I also on the other arm I had gotten a small number plate which was my fathers from when he was locked in Azkaban. And on my fingers is the alchemical symbol for Amalgamation. Like my fathers too. Also there are little paw foot prints from my hand leading up one of my arms. And yeah, I haven't told father but he'd kill me if he saw, well...he can't say anything. He's got loads.

Nobody's noticed. Not yet anyway. I looked around and someone caught my attention. Now I have good hearing, I'm an animagus, what's you expect? Especially a dog/wolf. They have extra good hearing. I perked up and my head flew to the Slytherin table. I could hear their whole conversation.

'Hey, Black looks different doesn't she?' I heard Zabini say to Draco

'Yeah, she does. But not pretty to tempt me' he said hasty

Yeah that was a lie. I was something different. And I know that.

'Cmon Malfoy, you got to admit, she does look good' Goyle muttered

'Sod off, only I say that' I heard jealousy in Dracos voice.

'Can you stop talking about her for once, it's like you do it everyday. What about me? I've changed too' Pansy's screechy voice smiled

'Yeah, Parkinson I don't think so. To be fair you've looked more like an overloaded cake with all that makeup on. You see I'm natural, that what sets me aside from a constipated bitch like you' I shouted

She went full red. The Slytherins wanted to bust out laughing, but they wouldn't because I'm a 'Gryffindor'. Who cares, I tease the snake house a lot.

I picked up some food until Hermione saw my hand tattoos.

'Nora, since when? What even is that?' She asked lifting up my sleeve

'Believe me I have more. It's the symbol of an Animagus basically.' I shrugged

She ran her hands over it

'Does it hurt?' She asked

'No. Plus i got it done during the summer' I smiled

Soon after our chats about the summer, I never told anyone about my encounter with Draco at Malfoy manor. So I wanted to avoid him, but this is going to be hard. Soon, Dumbledore came to do his boring annual speech. But got interrupted by some high hiccup by a raspberry looking ass woman, who does she think she is. Now I knew from that moment, all the Gryffindors hated her.

'She was at my hearing' Harry whispered to me and Hermione. She went on and on about how cheerful our faces were. No one was smiling. The fact that she went to Harry's hearing was the reason she was here. Because if Harry.

'Can this old hag shut up?' I rolled my eyes

'Nora, you've got to be nice! I'd you want to pass this class you'll have to confide' Hermione pinches me

'What If I don't want to' I pinched her back she let out a yelp

'Nora, she's the one that most likely to suspend or potentially expel people, and we don't want that' she states

She had a fair point.
'I won't make this year easier for her, why don't I be so bad she will go on the first day' I had a plan

'That won't work' Harry whispered

She looks very stubborn. So I guess I'll have to make an impression. But this will be fun.

Unluckily we had her for the first subject of the year. Which will definitely be interesting.

We all got dismissed from that awful welcoming talk. I was walking to the Gryffindor common room before I got stopped by Theo Nott.

'Can I help you?' I asked

'This may sound weird but..' he trailed off fiddling with his fingers

'What?' I asked

'Doyouwanttogooutwithmeithinkyou'rereallyprettty' he said in one breath

'Are you delusional? You think I'd understand that?' I shrugged

I saw sweat on his brow

'Do you...maybe want to go...out?' He looked at me

'Out? Where?' I played

'Yes or no, Black' he got agitated

He was being serious? My brain went into panic. He's a Slytherin and why does he like me.

'Er...' I stuttered

He kept staring at me. He was handsome, but I don't know. He was overall nice, and our moment at the party was something else. What do I say? What do I say?

'I'll get back to you, let me think' I smiled awkwardly

'Er sure, tomorrow ok?' He said

I smiled and he walked away, with a glance. I walked back and riffed my thoughts, but Malfoy was in my head at that party.

Oh god this boy drama driving me crazy.

Guys I'm back! Sorry I had a busy week, and I will Ill for like half of it and I hope you enjoyed this and I'll update soon!

Sorry and I love you all <3


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