#Chapter 12

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Over 2 years and a half ago since the first murder, polices had been trying to find the killer who had been killing an innocent people for each of months. They called the killer as 'The Evil Eye' since everytime someone got killed, they would find a necklace of an eye in the neck of the death body.

2 years and a half

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2 years and a half...about 30 victims were found until now. But, no one really knew the reason why the killer left the necklace to his victim. 

"The serial killer is on the move again. And his next victim is from our company - our finance manager, Mrs Godji. And do you know what shock us the most?"


"Police found a clue that the perpetrator is an employee from Viho Corps!"

Strange. It was the first time ever that the killer made a mistake by leaving evidence behind. He always had a perfect clean crime from the started without leaving any evidence. But, why was he being so careless during his 30th crimes?

Police found a gold badge pin with an initial of (V.C) at the crime scene. The badge were used for every each of employees at Viho Corps as their identity.

That came to conclusion that whoever lost their pin, they could be a suspect. So, that's why there were polices at Viho Corps' building right now.

They keep on check at every employees including the president itself. And sadly, polices get nothing since all of the employees had their own badge with them.

"May I know who's not in the building right now?" Asked the police.

"Sir Pete and sir Kinn haven't come yet." Said Khai.

Kao who heard the two names who he just met this morning tried to remember if Kinn and Pete had their pin with them. But it was useless since he couldn't remember seeing it because no one told him he should take a close looked.

"Kao... You usually comes with sir Kinn. Where did he go?" Asked Singto.

"I... I don't know. I'm not coming with him today." He said nervously. There's no way that it was Kinn when he himself got a creepy stalker to be take care off.

"Come on answer your phone Pete!" Khai still tried to reach him. Meanwhile, Kao decided not to say anything although he was coming with Pete this morning.

"It wasn't Pete, right? Since he had been living at overseas for the past years." Kao thought to ease himself.

At the ended, the polices left with empty hands. "Whoever has any info about their whereabouts, please inform us."


Kao and the other new employees - Gawin, Singto, Mook, and Build were heading to the finance department after the sudden hectic situation. They could feel a solemn atmosphere welcomed them as everyone were still mourning at the fact they just lost their beloved manager.

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