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Yesterday we decided to spend our day in the hotel so we went to the private pool, visited the spa, and rest in our room. Jake was pretty anxious about going back to school as a couple because of what will think the others. I tried to comfort him even if I think it's stupid to think like this.

It was 7 am. Jake was still sleeping and I was looking at him, caressing his skin. I don't know why but whenever I sleep with Jake I wake up early... my phone vibrates. It was a message from Jay.



I saw your post on twitter.
What is going on?

What are you talking about?

Since last week we planned
to spend the Sunday at beach
with all the other boys but
where are you???
[photo of jungwon, jay, sunoo and niki]

I'm with Jake right now

Yeah I know 

My heart is broken

It's okay tell to Jungwon to kiss
you then all will be okay 😉

Shut up


Hehe ❤️

I smiled and put my phone back on the ground. As I turned to the ground I felt arms rolling around my waist.


I was sleepy when I opened my eyes and saw Heeseung smiling at his phone. He suddenly turned himself, I grabbed his waist with my two arms and he let his phone fall on the ground. He looked back at me, smiling. He patted my head and kissed my forehead. He hold me close to him so I just put my head on his chest, caressing his neck, his chest, his belly and looked at him when I felt his breathe on me. He giggled.
- Whyyy?
- You cute? He said
I smiled and just closed my eyes when I thought about when we will have to leave the hotel. I sighed. Heeseung patted my head, searching for my eyes.
- What is going on? He asked
- I just don't wanna go.. I want to be here with you
- We can't, you know it Jake...
I got up and looked at Hee with those puppy eyes, caressing his chest
- Please.. just one day.
He looked away, smiling.
- Naaah, we can't
I sighed when Heeseung sat down on the bed at his turn and grabbed my waist to hug me. He stared at my eyes and brush my hair away from my face. His eyes went down on my lips and bite his in front of me. I felt the tension and all the butterflies hitting my stomach. Hee,, what are you doing? I give him a tap on his arm, smiling
- Hee~ it's still the morning..
- So what? We don't need an hour to give love to each other, he said winking at me.
He came closer put our body under the blanket and started kissing me. That was needy kiss. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed.


It was 5pm. With Jake, we just left the hotel and we are on your way to home. I told Jake that we had to go but actually I wanted to be there longer even if it was just a day.. when we left the room Jake looked sad. We will have another time to go to hotel. In the car Jake was staring at the scene. I grabbed his hand making him to look at me.
- Are you okay? I asked him
- Yeah of course, you? he responded smiling
I just nodded. Jake what are you thinking about?


Yesterday, I turned off my phone because Sunghoon didn't stop calling me and sending messages. I don't know what to do.. I feel bad for him but I can't do anything because I will lose Heeseung and I don't want to, I can't..  and who knows what Sunghoon could do to me? That's right! Jake, Sunghoon is a danger for your relationship with Heeseung so.. why do you worry about his feelings..? I just sighed and looked back the scene. I think I should talk about it with Heeseung. No. I will just do it on my own. You got this, Sim jaehyun. all will be okay.


it was morning, time to go to school. I was waiting for Jake in front of his house when I saw Sunghoon coming near to me. He smiled and asked : is Jake here?
- Why?
- I need to talk to him
- Not now.
He nodded and just left.
"Ugh? it was.. so easy??"
After some minutes Jake opened the door and I told him that Sunghoon was looking for him. he looked pretty anxious but just smiled and said : let's goo~
What's going on?

We rejoined our friends in the cafeteria Jake and I were looking at each other, smiling.
- Oh?? Is there love in the atmosphere? Sunoo said shaking his body
Jake giggled and just got up
- Heeseung and I are dating
Everyone started congratulating us and clapping in their hands.


I was laughing seeing the other's reaction when I saw sunghoon, staring at me while Hyejin was talking at him. I just looked at Heeseung, doing his prettiest smile. I love him so much..
Then Jungwon got up and punched the table.
- Jay and I are dating!
There was a silence when we started laughing.
- WHYYY? Jungwon yelled
- IS THERE ANYONE WHO DIDN'T KNOW IT?? Heeseung yelled while showing us his prettiest smile.
I took his hand and intertwined our fingers. Heeseung looks at me. I hope I could see that eyes until the end of my life.


When I saw everybody congratulating Jake and Heeseung I understood they were dating. Yesterday Jake didn't even answer to my texts. Hyejin is keeping yelling at me to let Jake in peace with Heeseung but I cannot. I want Jake to be by my side. When I look at Hyejin I don't have the same feels as the beginning. Every time she talks I feel annoyed and just think about how things were cool and simple with Jake. Even now, I was with Hyejin but was still looking at him.
- Why are you every time looking at Jake? Just let him be happy! I told you to stop talking to him not keeping harassing him! Hyejin said, shaking my arm.
- Just let me. Who told you you can say me what I have to do. I said, pushing her away.

I was going to leave when something came in my mind. I just looked back at her and asked :
- Why did you want me to stop talking to Jake before we started dating?
- Because.. I really love you but at this time I could feel that you and Jake were more than friends. You two weren't dating so I thought it would be better if you stop talking to him then we could have our relationship without you think about your feelings toward Jake.
She stopped talking but I could see she had something else to tell me.
- What?
- Even through I knew your feelings toward Jake aren't the feels you should have for a friend.

ENG [HEEJAKE] Please, don't love him.Where stories live. Discover now