Have to move on

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After what happened yesterday.. I thought about it a lot and I might be the only one who feel there is something.. maybe I should try to just be his friend and act like I am.. maybe I make him feel uncomfortable...

It's now Thursday. Jake and I don't talk that much to each other. Yesterday Jake came near to me, I was happy because I thought he would talk to me but he just said 'Hello' and went to Sunoo. It's like we are... nothing. No, I feel like the 'we' or 'us' doesn't exist anymore. 

It was the end of school. Jake still was with Sunoo. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back but he didn't come to me. He just... left.


I don't wanna to go to school anymore. I feel like I came back from the start. Where I don't exist for Jake, where he was only caring about Sunghoon. I sighed and got ready. I left the house.
Jay approached me.
- What is going on with Jake? You two fought?
I sighed
- No. He asked me if we were friends.
- And?
- And I said, yes.
He looked at me, disappointed and sighed.
- I know... I didn't know what to do and then we started to get away from each other..
- Why?
- Because I'm scared that he doesn't feel what I feel so I just decided to act like a friend and I'm waiting Jake to come back because he seems feel uncomfortable with me..
- You stupid
I stopped me and looked at him confused
- Why?
- You two are so stupid, he said and left me alone like this.


I took Jake away from the others, again.
- What is going on with Heeseung?
We sat down.
- I think I don't wanna be friends with him.
I looked at him, with confused eyes.
- I mean, I think you was right, I want to be with Heeseung.
I smiled and hugged him.
- But what if I lose him? If I don't do something I will definitely lose him... but what if he doesn't feel the same thing? I will lose him..
- Stop thinking and trust me. You have to act fast, cuz Jay said to me that he is trying to move on
- Move on? He asked
I nodded and took his hands.
- I have to see him...
- I'm with you, all is gonna be fine. 


End of class. I'm so tired. I saw jake with Sunoo. I want to talk to him. I miss him. I sighed and go to home.
I was laying on my bed when Jay sent me a message 

Hey stupid

Please stop and explain


So why do you think Sunoo is always with Jake?

Don't know but feel like you'll tell me

He ask advice to Sunoo about you


Please stop being dumb and if you love him just tell him.

I have something to test before, if it doesn't work, I will move on.

Wait what? A test??? Please stop! Seriously, he want to be with you and you want to be with him. 

I don't know what I have to trust.. Jake didn't talk to me for 2 days and then everyboday say that he loves me? We will firgure it out...


It was Sunday. Yesterday Jake didn't come. My test failed, he doesn't love me and I have to move on. I sighed and was about to modify his contact when he sent me a message.


I thought a lot about what Sunoo told me and I think he is right, I mean I'm sure. Yesterday, I wanted to go to Heeseung's house but I saw him. I saw him in his living room. He was waiting. But I didn't have the courage to knock at the door... but now, I know what I want and what I have to do.

Can we meet tonight? 

Hee ❤️
Sure. Where?

Let's meet in the park at 7.

Hee ❤️

It was now 7pm. I was waiting for Heeseung in the park. I was on my phone when I saw someone coming closer to me. I thought it was Heeseung.
- Hi
I smiled
- Hi Jake
I was frozen. Why Sunghoon was here, in front of me?
- Wh.. what are you doing here? I'm waiting for someone.
I was stepping back but he was keeping walking closer to me.
- Why? You are not happy to see me here?
He smiled and touched my arm.
- I miss you so much... can we just forget and be friends again?
- What about Hyejin?
- I don't care about her, I wanna be with you.
I sighed and pushed him away
- It's finished, I don't like you anymore, I love someone esle so please move on and live your life.
- I can't live without you.


I was getting closer to the park when I saw Jake with Sunghoon.
He held Jake's face with his two hands, looking at his eyes
- I love you.
He kissed him. Jake saw me and tried to push Sunghoon.
I was right, we don't feel the same thing. I didn't try to understand and just ran away.

ENG [HEEJAKE] Please, don't love him.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon