𑁍 Chapter Forty-Seven: Escape

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Jeno looks around the living room seeing his grandparents watching the television, very engrossed in whatever show it was playing while his grandma is knitting at the same time.

Initially he didn't want to bring this up in front of his grandparents, but there's this sudden boost of confidence to do it anyway.

He wants to see their reaction, and if it goes badly he can try to think of another solution.

His mom is on a nightshift, leaving him and his grandparents alone in their warm house.

Even though if he tries to lie and say it is for a school thing, they would always do anything to pry and make sure he is telling the truth.

There's a higher chance of him not being allowed to go out late at night even if it's that kind of situation and it is actually school related.

Regardless, Jeno wouldn't be able to step foot out of that main door. If anything, it is better to tell them the truth than to lie as much as he hates to admit.

Lying to them would make his consequences worst. And he really doesn't want that to happen.

His mom knows his plans, obviously. She trusts him, and especially Jaemin to watch over her son. Wishing him good luck on both the night and talking to his grandparents.

She, of course advised him not to take things too far, especially without her there. If his grandparents won't let him go out, then he should just give up instead of yelling or aggressively arguing back.

Clearing his throat, his grandma nudges her husband to turn the volume down. Lifting a curious brow at their grandson.

"Yes, honey?" Jeno slightly cringes at the sweetness of her voice.

He loves them, but not as much as he did when he was an oblivious and blinded kid.

Now he sees it, sees how wrong they can be at times to the point it scares him.

"I uh... I just wanted to say I'm heading out tonight."

"Where?" His grandpa immediately asks in return.

"It's... It's my friend's birthday party–"

"Definitely not." His grandma cuts him off, still knitting with ease. "You are not leaving this house tonight. Especially to a party."

"But it's important, it's his special day." Jeno couldn't help but try to argue back. He wants to reason it thoroughly and hopes they can at least understand a bit.

"You guys can celebrate tomorrow or another day, when the sun is out or even here, you can invite your friend here, sweetie."

"I don't want to." Jeno bites his lower lip when his grandparents snap their heads at his way. "This is my first party that I was invited to, and I really want to go."

That was a lie, he has been invited to a ton of parties even before he and his friends met. But of course, he had to reject for the sake of his image and his grandparents.

It's a little weird to lie like this to them, but what can he do? Be all nice and obedient to no end? Even what they're saying and doing is just hurtful?

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