𑁍 Chapter Twenty-Nine: Another Help

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Jeno purses his lips as he watches Jaemin walk back in to the living room and places a tray of tea on the coffee table.

"May I ask you a favor?" Jaemin looks up at that and blinks slowly. He then leisurely sits down on the wooden chair across from Jeno and makes himself comfortable.

Taking his cup of tea, he nods for Jeno to get on with it alongside saying, "and what may that be, pretty boy?"

It's obvious enough for Jeno to realize Jaemin is low-key teasing him.

And it is probably obvious enough for the pink haired boy to see that Jeno is in need of help on this challenge– to which wasn't supposed to be one in the first place.

They both know Jeno couldn't do this on his own– it is "breaking rules" for goodness sake, Jeno can barely stay up pass 10 at night without telling his mom first.

And this morning is literally just another example that he needs someone to guide him on the wild side.

It really isn't a wild side for most people– I mean come on, even toddlers are able to stay up more than him; his nephew for example.

But for Jeno's point of view, it's definitely something new.

Quite frankly, he has thought about doing something reckless at times, but that's are all just his imagination. He doesn't have the guts to get on with it.

"So... I wanted to ask if.... If..." Jeno fiddles with the hem of his shirt before continuing. "If you could...help me."


Jeno flinches at Jaemin's tone and immediately backs down, "I mean, you don't have to– I just... I thought... Since..."

"Sweetheart, I was kidding." Jaemin lets out a laugh at the reaction he had gotten.

He inwardly pats himself on the shoulder for doing such a good job on teasing the raven haired boy.

"But what do you need this time?"

"With the... Challenge..."

Jaemin then felt bad and softens up, placing the tea cup down on the coffee table and sighs. "You know, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. We were just teasing you, pretty boy."

He thought he could convince Jeno on putting a stop to this if he's just forcing himself, because if that's the case... Jaemin thinks he can't help him.

Not like that.

It makes him feel bad, especially when he cares and likes Jeno so much, and he has seen what type of person he is.

He doesn't want Jeno to do it to prove to others. But to prove to himself on what he can do.

He wants Jeno to know what he himself wants. To discover things while at it.

However, the raven haired boy himself seems stubborn about it... Once again.

Shaking his head, Jeno firmly responds. "I do want to do this," he emphasizes, hoping Jaemin gets his point. "I just don't know how."

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