𑁍 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏: 𝑺𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆

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So I made a lil mistake.... Lmao uhm it's a project now not an assignment– IDK WHY I THINK IT'S BECAUSE I WAS RUSHING SMH


"What's your project about?" Jaemin asks, enjoying his blueberry muffin he ordered. "Yangyang only told me you need help, and I'm apparently perfect for it."

Glancing at the raven haired boy across the table, he flashes him a wink that has him huffing back.

"It's about photography." Jeno mumbles, stirring his watermelon smoothie with his straw before leaning over to take a sip.

Humming, Jaemin gestures for him to continue. Listening carefully to what Jeno was saying as he explains all the details and criteria their teacher gave them ahead of time.

To be quite honest, Jeno was a little flustered that Jaemin was actually listening to his every word. Unlike others out there.

Once he finishes, Jaemin nods at him as he ponders in thought. When it takes a while for the elder boy to say something, Jeno grew impatient.

Sighing, he crosses his leg over the other under their shared table. "So?" His voice has Jaemin snapping up at him, frozen with his mouth full, not to mention messy.

"Can you help me or not?" Knitting his eyebrows together, a tad bit annoyed. Is Jaemin joking around with him or not? Does he have to do this alone instead?

Swallowing his food down, Jaemin nods his head and grabs a tissue. "Oh yeah, definitely. It's pretty easy for me but you honestly need a lot of help with this kind of thing."

"That's why I asked for your help, doofus." Jeno grumbles on his seat, still audible for Jaemin to hear.

It has the pink haired boy chuckling. "Calm down, pretty boy." He lilts, grabbing another blueberry muffin from the plate in the middle of their table.

"Anyways, about that owe–"

"I don't owe you anything." Jeno gets all defensive, trying to persuade Jaemin about this stupid owe to be postponed.

He doesn't know what the tattoo artist has in mind, he could order him to do something crazy and illegal for all he knows.

Don't blame Jeno, they're both mutuals with their friends; Jaemin literally fitting in with the other three as Jeno is still the sore thumb.

"Are you sure about that, sweetheart?" Jaemin tilts his head to the side, a brow raised challengingly. "In case you forgot, you kicked me in the balls, very painful by the way." He emphasizes with no shame.

Jeno immediately flushes by hearing that, it's not like he's one hundred percent innocent. It's just that it can be humiliating when speaking something so vulgar in public.

Jeno is a goody-two-shoes, not too innocent and pure. He knows cuss words and mature and explicit topics his friends joke or talk about on a daily.

He's just not the type to join in, a little still hidden in his shell. Though, there are very rare times he has let a cuss word tumble out of his mouth due to his overbearing emotions.

Live A Little 𑁍 ∫ JaemJenWhere stories live. Discover now