𑁍 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓: 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒅

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"I'm sorry, Jen. But I can't go with you today, I'm currently doing chores as a punishment for getting a C on our Biology test." Mark says through the phone.

He then feels guilty as his face shows it visibly, eyes and tone of voice soft yet apologetic when he replies to Jeno's question.

The younger boy had called him up, asking if he was free and was possibly able to come along with him on grocery shopping since his mother was busy– politely asking for him to do it instead.

Obviously, him being an obedient son said "yes" as he knew he would feel bad if he refused. His mother is a busy woman, he can't blame her.

And besides, he's old enough to do the groceries on his own. He was taught well and experienced. So he kinda has an idea on what to do.

To add to that, he doesn't need to buy a lot of things. He was given a small list earlier on what items he needs to get for not only him, but for his mother too.

Mark sighs when he sees Jeno pouting at him on the screen, their face time call has been going on for a few minutes now and they both know they need to end this conversation soon.

"Why not ask the others? I'm sure both of them are free today– wait no, most likely Yangyang but... Yeah." Mark suggested after a long beat.

A quiet huff escapes Jeno's lips, the raven haired boy shaking his head at the camera in refusal. "I don't trust them enough when it comes to this."

Mark raises a brow at him, but lets the younger boy continue anyway when he exhales deeply. "Both of them would either get something that's not on the list or..."

"Steal it, yup, that's Hyuck for you." The elder boy finishes for him with a silly knowing grin.

"Not only that, they barely listen to me. And not to sound like I favor any of you guys or anything, but you're the most reliable one for me." Jeno tells him quietly.

He then rolls his eyes when Mark's grin widens, but for a total different reason this time.

"Don't get too cocky, hyung." He grunts.

"But I didn't say anything–"

"Yeah, whatever. I'll be going now, have fun with the chores, I guess." Ignoring the elder boy's faint sounds of whines and complaints, he presses the red button on the phone screen to end the face time call.

Shoving his device back in his jean pocket, he sighs as he grabs his fanny pack and exits his house, not forgetting to lock the door as no one else will be home for an hour or so.


Jeno looks around the shelves for a moment before his gaze sets on a can of corned beef. He glances down to the list he was holding and nods to himself.

Reaching up, he manages to get two and places it in the shopping basket along with the other grocery items he picked up earlier.

However, he pauses when he realizes he needs two more and looks back up to see that the other cans of corned beef are at the very back of the shelves.

Rolling his eyes, he couldn't help but mutter quietly, "who the frick even arranges them like this? If not, who puts them back like this?"

As he was about to grab the last one, he flinches at the sound of a semi familiar voice.

"Didn't expect to see you here, cutie."

Due to the fact that he was startled by the person, he drops the can of corned beef and bites his lower lip harshly to try muffle up his shriek.

Unbeknownst to him– because he was too busy trying to contain his sounds of pain– the person grows concerned by the sight of Jeno's well-being.

The younger boy slightly has his right foot lifted up from the ground while the dropped can of goods was rolling on its side, slowly stopping at the person's foot.

As if the can was a wake up call, the person reaches down to pick up the can of goods and then rushes over to Jeno's side.

Throwing the can in Jeno's shopping basket, the person held Jeno's foot as gently as he could while the raven haired boy himself was slowly regaining his composure.

"Oh shit, my bad. I really didn't mean to do that." Jeno blinks a few times as he looks down to see a very much familiar blob of dark pink colored hair.

He was speechless as he didn't really expect to Yangyang's tattoo artist in here– but then again, it is a public place, so of course he'll be around.

It's just, Jeno didn't expect to meet him again, let alone so soon– if two months is soon enough, for him atleast.

He stays frozen as the elder boy scans his covered foot, gently applying pressure on some areas until he immediately pulls his fingers off when Jeno groans.

"We should put some ice on that," the elder boy said, looking at Jeno's right foot with his eyebrows furrowed.

Snapping out of his stupor, Jeno frantically shakes his head as he squeaks out, "no, it's ok-okay I- I don't need it. It's not that bad."

The elder boy then looks up to meet his eyes, a brow raised as he looks at him skeptically. "I don't know, you dropped your can and it landed on your foot pretty hard."

He's not wrong... It is a slightly big and not to mention, heavy, tin can.

Pausing, he waits for Jeno to say something and takes his silence as his cue to add on, "can you move it?" Asking gently as if Jeno was really injured.

However, he's not. Well, he's in pain and he's sure his foot will have a small bruise later on, but he's not exactly helpless.

Nonetheless, he nods and carefully points his foot, his toes curling up as he bites back a hiss of pain. The area still aching a bit.

Watching carefully, the dark pink haired boy sighs and snatches Jeno's shopping basket in his hand. The younger boy snapping his head towards him both confused and shocked.

"If you're not going to let me ice your obviously injured foot no matter what level of damage it got, atleast let me carry your things for you."

And just like that, the tattoo artist holds Jeno's shopping basket in one of his hands– dropping his own bag of chips in it too to make it easier as it's the only thing he was carrying.

He then takes Jeno's hand as well, leading the merely stunned raven haired boy towards the checkout counter.

Live A Little 𑁍 ∫ JaemJenWhere stories live. Discover now