chapter 17 *

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Raph POV

It's been two days since Leo and Mikey had there baby's. And man are they a hand full. Right now I'm giving Simba a bath. "Come on Simba sit still. You need to get washed because you got into my lube bottle." As I was saying that Leo walked in with Scarlett in his hands. "He what! You left lube where the baby's could get to it!?" Oh shit I'm so dead! "H-h-hey Leo nothing happened. Just giving Simba a bath like a good dad does." "Good because I thought you said that Simba got in to the lube bottle that you used to keep on the bottom shelf of the book case." Few I'm not dying at 19. "Do you need help? Cause I'm free. I just have to put Scarlett to bed." "Sure why not?

Time skip ( Mikey POV)

"Kimmy what are you doing? Are you killing daddy?" I said that when I walked in on Kim chewing on Donnie's check. "Yes she is. Now can you get her off me?" You are probably wondering where Flame is? Well he is sleeping in his crib. "Why, it looks so cute when she eats daddy." "Because I wont have fun (sex) with you any more if you don't." "Fine. I'll. Get. Her. Off. You!" I walk over to Donnie and grab Kim then kicked​ Donnie in the face.


Hey guys here you go. But in return I need some suggestions. Do you want me to do a chapter all about sex? A chapter about the kids? A chapter about them going on another date? Tell me what you think and I'll do it. Love always raphaelray03.

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