Chapter 5 *

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Donnie's POV

Last night I heard moaning and during all the moaning Mikey knocked on my door and I answered the door. He asked if he could stay with me tonight, of course, I said yes because he is my boyfriend after all. We crawled into my bed and he went right to snuggle up to me and we fell asleep.

Time Skip

I woke up before Mikey and went downstairs to get some breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen I saw Leo making pancakes and toast (my fav). He said that breakfast wasn't ready so I decided to go for a walk up top. As I was walking I saw the foot.

They seemed to be looking for something. I got closer to the edge of a building and a beer bottle fell and broke. They all looked up at me and Karai said, "Foot attack!!" They all ran at me all at once and I couldn't do anything to stop them. One of the foot members nocked me out.

Back at the layer Raph's POV

I woke up and saw Leo wasn't there so I got up and headed for the stairs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I smelled pancakes and toast. I was glad that he was ok. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed Leo from behind and kissed him.

He pulled away and said, "Good morning Raphie." "Good morning angel." "Can you go get Mikey and Donnie while I finish breakfast?" "Yes I can," and with that, I left and went to Mikey's room. When I knocked on the door there was no answer so I opened the door to find an empty room.

I went to Donnie's room and opened the door and saw Mikey laying on the bed. I walked over to him and shook him and he woke up and said, "Donnie five more minutes." "Mikey I'm not Donnie and get your lazy but up now." "Raph what are you doing in here and where's Donnie?"

"I don't know." After I said that Mikey started crying. "Is Donnie missing?" "I don't know but come on and let's ask Leo." "Ok."

We walked downstairs Mikey was gripping my hand. When we walked into the kitchen Leo asked where Donnie was. "Can you wait here for a minute while I talk to Leo?" He nodded his head and let go of my hand.

Leo and I went in the other room to talk. "Leo, Donnie wasn't in any of the room's." "I remember seeing him before you woke up and I thought I saw him head for the front door. He left but, I thought he would be back by now."

"So he is probably somewhere in the sours or on the surface?" "Yes, so let's call him to see if he is ok and to tell him breakfast is ready." As we walked back into the kitchen I pulled out my t-phone and called Donnie. It rang and rang and no answer we all started to get worried, especially Mikey, Donnie's boyfriend.


Sorry for leaving you in suspension. But I would like to thank onepiece130 for helping me come up with a topic. Love always raphaelray03.

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