Ocean Drive (44)

610 27 0

"I wish we could take it back in time
Before we crossed the line, now, now, now, babe
We see a storm is closing in
I reach out for your hand"

- Jk -

Award shows.

Long, hectic, jam packed, tiring, and full of opportunities because everyone was too busy to pay attention to the two people scurrying around to find some alone time.

Jeongguk sat in the break room looking at the heavenly sight in front of him.

Were men's knees supposed to be sexy?

Their calves?

One sight of Taehyung's bony knee, delineated muscled thigh, and hard calf, under the black skinny jeans, made Jeongguk want to reach out and stroke his leg, creep his hand over those pants.

The maknae took a deep breath and chewed his lower lip. His makeup noona always scolded them for chapped lips.

Taehyung was doing a warm up of sorts and Jeongguk could not peel his eyes away from every jump the elder made, his hair softly bouncing with each thrust.

He would look so good jumping on my-

"Man the performance was so tiring!" Jimin huffed flapping the ends of his jacket.

Jeongguk scowled at being disturbed from his daydream.

"It is quite hot here don't you think Jeongguka?"

"Yeah," Jeongguk mumbled still drooling over the elder, "He is really hot."


"What? Nothing-" Jeongguk cleared his throat. "Yeah you're right."

Jimin scoffed but Jeongguk was a bit busy at the moment.

He made the mistake of glancing at Taehyung again and got stuck in the loop. Taehyung moved his shoulders and took off his jacket, pushing his hair back with his fingers.

Jeongguk was about to have a nosebleed. There should be some sort of permit before allowing a man to stand around looking like that.

"Ah Taehyunga, look at this quiz come here," Jin called for him. "It tells which transformer are you?"

"Optimus Fine." Jeongguk muttered under his breath.

Jimin groaned beside him, "This is how I die. I am sure of it. I will die of the idiots being idiots."
Jeongguk's head was lightly slapped.

"Ow, what was that for?" He whined looking back at his hyung.

"Get a hold of your thirsty ass!" Jimin hissed.

Jeongguk felt his cheeks warm and was about to interrupt when a staff member announced for them to go back to their seats.

Jeongguk felt a palm in his hand and was tugged by Jimin towards the corridor.

"You idiots have the subtlety of an emu doing a mating dance."

"Jiminshi," Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "Only you would know how the Emus danced."

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