(16) My darling *

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"When no one seems to notice
And your days, they seem so hard
My darling, you should know this
My love is everywhere you are"


"Taehyunga, you should gather your thoughts first, the whole choreo is getting delayed because of you. You are the fastest to learn it, is there something wrong today", their choreographer asked pausing the music and turning towards the brown haired after he made another mistake.

"Mianhe hyung nim, I'll--"

"Do you want to take a break?"

"No hyungnim"

"Take a small break, have some water, clear your head yeah? Come back in 10"

Taehyung trudged towards the restroom. He splashed some cool water onto his face running his wet fingers through his hair. He was having difficulty concentrating today, everything was churning like a whirlpool within his mind.

He looked at himself in the mirror, puffy eyes from crying too much stood out like a sore thumb.

He barely got any sleep the previous night.

Shaking his head lightly in disappointment at himself, he grabbed some tissues and walked out, drying his face on the way.

The practice went on for another few hours and they walked towards the studio for to record their group vlog.

"I am too young to die", Jin huffed, walking in the lead. "But I swear I will if I have to take another step"

"Says hyung, who then proceeds to take several more steps", Yoongi drawled.

"I'll put extra salt in your soup"

"Ugh hyung don't be petty"

Jin's windshield wiper laugh sounded in the empty alleyway.

They walked in pairs of two, Jin and Yoongi bickered at the front. Jimin and Jeongguk were reviewing their choreography together, deciding on some new steps on the way. Namjoon and Hoseok walked behind them, discussing one of rap parts, and Taehyung trailed behind them.

He looked at the members and scoffed to himself.

Always the odd one out huh?

The cold breeze whistled past their ears carrying the aroma of the wistful night.

Taehyung put his head down and stuffed his hands into his pockets, shivering slightly. Maybe he could go up to the maknae and wrap himself around him. Jeongguk wouldn't mind, right? He never said he was irritated by Taehyung's physical intimacy.

Or maybe he was and just didn't want to confront him.

Maybe everyone was quite fed up of him.

You're so annoying.

I know.

They crowded at the corner before crossing the road, Taehyung waiting for.eveeyone else to take the lead, ready to trail behind until a warm hand engulfed his whole elbow. He looked up to find Hoseok's face next to him, his eyes om the road. "I think the opening line can be better. It just needs a bit of-- you know"

No I don't know. What?

"A bit of pizzaz", another voice sounded from his right. Taehyung whipped his head to find Namjoon walking beside him.

"Yeah that's it", Taehyung turned to Hoseok who responded, "I think we need a few more tweaks and it would get a whole lot better"

"Maybe Yoongi hyung's part can be in the beginning", Namjoon suggested adjusting his jacket.

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