Season 1, Episode 14

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I woke up, kissed Selena's head, got out of bed, patted Colosus's head, and walked into the bathroom. I got undressed, turned on the shower, and jumped in. I got my body wet, and then I grabbed the soap, and lathered up my body. When I was finished, I got my hair wet, and then began massaging shampoo into my hair, making sure I got everywhere, and then I rinsed out the shampoo, and then shut the water off. I grabbed a towel, dried off, got out of the shower, and walked back into my bedroom. Selena was still asleep, while I got dressed, and then I walked out of my room, and into the kitchen.
I poured Colosus's food into his bowl, and then started pulling out ingredients to make some breakfast, and I started making omelettes, and bacon. When I was finished, I seen Soto, Justin, and Dick come out of thier rooms, and I laughed.
I made Selena's food, and justin said, "So what's your plans for today Bruce?"
I said, "I'm moving out. I'm gonna go live in my Parent's house."
Soto said, "Alright. What about us?"
I said, "Stay here. Graduate."
I walked back into my room, grabbed the keys to all except for the Skyline and Impala, walked back out, set the keys on the table and walked back into the kitchen, and over to the fridge.
I said, while pulling out the Ranch, for my food, "Each one of you get to choose one of the three cars, and you can keep it."
I watched as they quicky grabbed a set of keys, and I laughed. I put the Ranch back in the fridge, while filling two glasses full of Orange Juice, grabbed both plates, put them on the serving tray, but both glasses on the tray, picked it up, and headed back into my room. Selena was just waking up, when I walked back in, I watched as she sat up, I set the tray down over her legs, and she smiled at me.
She said, "Good morning handsome. This looks delicious."
I smiled back, and said, "Hey beautiful."
While we ate, and drank, we talked.
Selena said, "So would you still like for me to join in, if you bring home girls?"
I said, "I would love for you to be apart of it. But I don't want to force you into it, if you don't want to."
Selena said, "I want to, especially since we both talked about it, a couple of weeks ago. It's all I could think about. Plus, it makes us a stronger couple, to be doing things like this, and being okay with it."
I smiled, and Selena said, "So did you tell them?"
I said, "I did."
Selena said, "How did they take it?"
I said, after I took the final bite of my food, "Really well to be honest."
Selena said, "You wanted them to cry didn't you?"
I laughed, and said, "You know me too well."
I watched as Selena smiled, finished her food, and then we put the dishes on the tray, I picked it up, and I watched as she stood up, she kissed me, and then walked towards the bathroom. I walked out of my room, back into the kitchen, put the dishes in the sink, washed them, and then after I dried them, I walked to the front door.
I opened it, and Colossus followed me to the back door, we walked out, went down the stairs, and then I waited for Colossus to use the bathroom. When he was finished, we went back up to the dorm room, walked in, and I started to pack my stuff up. It was just my game systems, my clothes, my jewelry, and my sound systems.
I watched as Selena came out of the bathroom, watched as she got dressed, and then helped pack up her stuff, and we walked down to the cars, and put them inside. I turned around, and Justin, Soto, and Dick we're standing outside, they walked over to me, I special handshaked each of them, and I could see both Justin and Soto, start to form a little bit of tears, which I did as well.
I said, "I've known you both for far too long, and it sucks that I'm not staying, but I know you'll both do great things without me here. This is just something I need to do."
Justin said, "Thank you, for everything. Especially for helping me finally want to settle down with Miranda."
Soto said, "Thanks for everything as well. Especially for helping me find Taylor. You'll always be like a brother to me."
Justin said, "Same here. You'll always be like my brother as well."
Dick said, "Thanks for taking me in, and helping me find Iggy."
I hugged each of them, I opened the passenger door, watched as Colossus got in, I shut the door, I watched as Selena was smiling, while watching us, and then she got into my Impala, I walked over to my door, got in, Selena and I started our engines, and then she followed me to our new home.
When we finally arrived, I seen my Mom's car parked outside, and she was leaning against it. I shut the engine off, we got out, and I watched as Colossus sat down in front of my Mom. Selena grabbed my hand, when I walked around the car, and we walked over to where Colossus was sitting.
My Foster Mom smiled when she seen me, and she said, "I'm sorry for keeping this from you. I was told to only let you know about it, until the time was right. Until your 18th birthday. But I didn't want you to leave. So I wanted to keep it from you. And he wanted to wait until he knew that you would be safe."
I said, "Safe from what? And why wouldn't you tell me? I deserved to know."
My Mom said, "I'm not allowed to tell you. You will have to ask Alfred that. And I'm sorry for not telling you, after your 18th birthday. Please forgive me."
I said, "Even if you aren't my real Mom, I will always want to see you in my life. You raised me, so of course i forgive you. I just deserved to know is all."
She smiled, I gave her a hug, and she said, "I gotta go. I gotta get things ready for your brother John's birthday."
I said, "Wish him a happy birthday for me."
She smiled again, and said, "I will."
We watched as she got into her car, started the engine, she backed up, and then drove away.
I walked over to the trunk, Selena came with me, I opened the trunk, and Selena said, "How do you feel being back here, I mean I know you went to your Parents graves a few times, but I mean here and now, knowing that what happens from here will be what our lives will be like."
I said, "It's hard to tell honestly, but I feel like it was a good decision. I feel like we'll be fine from this point forward."
Selena smiled, and said, "I trust your gut. It has never let you down before. I love you Bruce, and I always will."
I smiled, and said, "I trust it as well. And I love you too Selena, and I always will."
I grabbed some of the suitcases, shut the trunk, and we turned around, looking at the giant Mansion.

To be continued...

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