Season 1, Episode 8

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I woke up, got out of bed, walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and jumped in. I washed my hair, and my body, and then I turned off the water, grabbed the towel, dried off, and then walked into my room, to get dressed. Once i was dressed, I walked back into my bathroom, grabbed one of my watches, and slipped it onto my wrist. I smiled, and then opened my bedroom door, and Colossus and I walked out into the livingroom.
I walked over to the kitchen, put some food in Colossus's bowl, and then walked over and sat down on the couch. I turned on the T.V, and sighed, knowing that Ms. Shank was now in Bludhaven. I really hope she was okay. A few minutes later, Colossus walked over, sat down in front of the couch, and started watching T.V. I smiled, and then I heard two of the three bedroom doors open, and I heard footsteps, coming towards my direction, and then I watched as Justin and Dick sat down.
I said, "Taylor still here?"
Justin said, "Oh yeah. At this point, I think she lives in his bedroom."
I laughed, and said, "Well at least he got what he wanted."
Justin said, "Yeah."
Some laughing came from Soto's bedroom, and Justin and I laughed.
Dick said, "What about Selena? Where is she?"
I said, "With her mom. She had some things to think over, and it all involves her happiness."
Justin said, "She loves you Bruce, she'll be back."
I said, "I already know she does, but right now, is her trying to figure that out for herself."
Dick said, "I need to find someone."
I said, "Well who do you like?"
Dick said, "Iggy Azalea."
I said, "I could set that up, one of these days."
Dick said, "Please and thank you."
I nodded, grabbed my PSP, and texted a message to my Cousin, and it said, "Hey. Get ahold of Iggy, and give her a destination for a first date. Then give me the info in a call."
A couple minutes later, it started to ring. I put my hand up, stood up, walked over to the kitchen, and answered.
I acted like it was a teacher for Dick, and I wrote down the location.
When I hung up, I said, "Dick, one of your teachers wants you to meet her at this location."
Dick stood up, looking confused, I handed him the paper, and Justin and I watched as he walked out of the room. I walked back over to the couch, sat down, patted Colossus on his head, and Justin was staring at me.
I said, "It's not really a teacher."
Justin laughed, and said, "You set up the date already, didn't you?"
I smiled, nodded, and Justin laughed.
I said, "We'll see how it goes."
Justin said, "That we will, my friend."
Colossus, barked, I handed him the T.V remote, and I said, "When is your next date, Justin?"
Justin said, "In an hour."
I said, "Very cool. Who this time?"
Justin said, "Miranda Cosgrove."
I said, "Is any of these dates gonna eventually turn into a relationship?"
Justin said, "I haven't really thought about it actually, but thinking about it now. This might be that one. I hope."
I laughed, and I watched what Colossus had put on. A couple hours go by, and I watched as Justin left on his date, and it was just Colossus and I out in the living room, and Soto and Taylor in his room. I grabbed my PlayStation remote, switched the channel, and started playing some games. When I became hungry, I got up, walked into the kitchen, and made me and Colossus some food.
When Colossus had to go out and use the bathroom, I walked out of the dorm with him, and let him use the bathroom. When I got back inside, I played some more games, and then I heard the front door open, and I watched as Justin, with a giggling Miranda walked in.
Miranda waved at me, and said, "Hey Bruce."
I said, "Hey Miranda."
I watched as Justin escorted Miranda into his room, and he closed the door.
I looked over at Colossus, and said, "He's gonna get some. Hopefully he keeps her. She's a good girl."
Colossus barked, and started panting, while he was smiling. I silently chuckled, and continued to play some games. A couple minutes later, a tiny window on my screen appeared, so I paused my game, clicked the screen to go bigger, and Miley Cyrus was on the other end.
She smiled, waved, and said, "Hey Bruce."
I said, while I waved back, "Hey Miley. What's up?"
Miley said, "I want to make my ex Liam jealous. Can I come over for today and tomorrow, and make him jealous?"
I said, "How would he know that you're making him jealous, if your over here?"
Miley said, "I'm gonna send him explicit pictures of us, so he knows I'm out with another guy. Don't worry. I won't show your face."
I said, "Sure. Sounds fun."
Miley smiled, and said, before she logged off, "Alright. I'll be right over."
I said, before the call ended, "Okay."
An hour later, a knock came upon the door, I stood up, opened it, and Miley was standing on the other end. She was wearing a cute blue shirt, with some butterflies on some flowers on it, and she had on a pair of booty shorts.
I moved to the side, and she walked in.
She said, "You have a lovely home."
I said, "Yeah. It's my crash pad."
Miley said, "It definitely suits you."
I said, "Thanks."
Miley said, "Let's go to your room."
I closed the door, and I said, "Colossus stay out here. Watch something."
He barked, and Miley grabbed my hand, and I motioned to her where my room was, and we walked in that direction. I just had enough time to close the door, when she had instantly turned around, and wrapped her arms around me. We began making out, and then began taking our clothes off. She kissed down my chest, and started working on the string to my shorts, and sliding them down.
She started to wrap her mouth around my semi-hard shaft, and when she got it to full mast, she pulled her phone out, and snapped a picture. After she was finished, she started to feverishly suck on my shaft, trying to get it to cum, but getting head doesn't work for me like that.
I pulled her up to her feet, as she wiped at her mouth, and I said, "My turn."
I had her lay on the bed, and I pulled the rest of her clothes off of her body, which was just her panties and bra, and once they hit the floor, I positioned myself in-between her legs, and I went to town on her labia. After bringing her to three climaxes, and her constantly pulling my hair, when I hit the right spots, and taking pictures, is when she pulled me up to her mouth, and we began kissing feverishly again.
We finally pulled away breathless, and I felt her grab my shaft, and she guided him over to her labia, and began teasing it with the tip of my head. A couple minutes later, I guided him inside, and began thrusting my hips, getting in good stroke after stroke, hitting the right spot, and feeling and watching as I brought her to climax after climax. A couple minutes later, I let my own flow inside of her, and then I layed down on top of her. I heard her take a snap, and then when I could finally move, I climbed off of her, and I watched as she took another photo of my jizz oozing out of her vagina. I stood up, grabbed my boxers, put them back on, and slightly opened the door.
Miley said, "Let's cuddle, and get some sleep."
I nodded, walked back over to the bed, layed down beside her, I shut the light off, she cuddled her body into mine, and we went to sleep.

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