Season 1, Episode 4

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Eight days have passed, and not a whole lot was that important to put on here, all it was, was going to classes, getting teased by Ms. Shank, noticing how distracted she was, and noticing that Harlene was acting a little bit weird. More weird then her usual self.

I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, walked into the living room, sat on the couch, checked my PSP, and I had a message from Ms. Shank, and she said, "What are you planning on doing today, Mr. Wayne?"
I texted back and said, "I'm not sure, but it all depends on you and what you wear today."
She said, "Oh really, is that so."
I said, "Yep."
Soto, Justin, and I headed to our first class when it became time, and when I sat down in my chair, I looked up, Ms. Shank was wearing a skirt, that I could visually see her ass and oh my god, heaven on earth, then she had on another blouse that you couldn't see through this one, but Everytime she turned to one side, you could see down her cleavage.
She had told the class to go to pages 83-93, and then she came up the stairs and sat on my table. When I looked into her face, she nodded with her head down, and when I looked down, she wasn't wearing any panties. I sat back in my chair, a little too far back, and almost fell backwards.
She whispered, "Whoa there stud. Cool your roll. You said it depended on what I wore today, so what are you gonna do, huh?"
I whispered back, "Honestly, if all these students weren't in here, I would take you on this table, and ride you until you we're satisfied."
She began to fan herself, and then she grabbed my hand off of the table, put it towards her snatch. When my hand came close to her labia, I could feel the heat radiating off of it. I looked again and she nodded, so I decided to stroke my finger up and down her clit, that she began to tremble, and she had to bite her bottom lip to keep from moaning.
I whispered, "Oh I like it when you bite your bottom lip."
She whispered back, "Oh you do, do you, I'm gonna have to remember that."
I looked up at the time, a few minutes later, and seen that class was almost over, soni decided to put my face by her pussy, licked it q few times, and then pulled away.
She whispered, "Why are you stopping?"
I nodded at the clock, she looked up at it, she had to stand up, fix herself, and went back down the stairs.
She said, "Everyone, it is almost that time to go, so I'm letting you leave early, but please don't get caught by security."
Everyone got up, put their books in their bags and walked out the door. When I was about to leave, Ms. Shank shook her finger for me to come here, and I told Soto and Justin, I'd meet them back at the dorm. They nodded and then I walked down the stairs and stopped at her desk.
She said, "Mr. Wayne, you're a bit of a tease aren't you."
I said, "Only when I can be."
She said, "Well your very observant and I'm glad you paid attention to the clock, because if the bell would have rung, and they would have seen what was going on back there, I would have been ashamed of myself."
I said, "Well at least I did look up and was cautious of my surroundings."
She said, "Well Mr. Wayne, I'm always gonna want you and I can see your always gonna want me, but after next week, they are transferring me to another college in Bludhaven. I found out last night."
I said, "Well I'm gonna miss you and that sexy body of yours. And that's why you we're so distracted."
She nodded, and then said, "I'll miss seeing you Mr. Wayne."
I turned around and was walking up the stairs, when she said, "I have something planned for us before I leave on the first of July. Which is a Friday."
I stopped, and said, "Can't wait."
I walked out the door, and when I closed it, Harlene was standing outside waiting on me.
She said, "Hey so what took you so long?"
I nearly jumped, and said, "God damnit, don't do that."
She said, "Why are you so jumpy?"
I lied and said, "I'm sorry. I just had a shitty morning."
She said, "Aww, do you want me to stay the night?"
I said, "If you want to, but I'm hanging with my cousin tomorrow, so I might not be back until after four."
She said, "Okay, then I'll be over after our last class. I'll bring Isabell if you want."
I said, "Okay."
She said, "Okay."
We walked back to my room, and then she kissed me, then walked back to her room, and I closed the door, and sat on the couch exhausted.
Justin said, "So what happened between Ms. Shank and you?"
I said, "What do you mean?"
Justin said, "Bruce. You know that I can tell when you are getting some, and I know very well that you we're back there deliciously licking that clit."
I nodded, turned the T.V. on, and Colossus sat up and watched it contently.
I patted his head and then said, "You two need to be ready for tomorrow."
Soto said, "Why what's up? Is class gonna be a special day or something?"
I said, "No. We're skipping. But you two are invited to my cousin's party."
Justin said, "Sweet."
I nodded and then set the remote on the floor and Colossus began to change the channels. I walked into my room, grabbed the PS3 bag, the Xbox 360 bag, and the Xbox One bag, that had all the games in them, for that system, and I brought them out, and set the two Xbox bags on the table.
I said, "Pick between the two Xbox systems."
Justin picked the Xbox 360, and Soto picked the Xbox One, and I made sure I didn't get in Colossus's way, and I hooked up the PS3 to the T.V, and then I walked back to my room, and hooked the PS4 to my T.V.
I grabbed my PSP and went to, and I bought three HTC One M8 Harman Kardon for $687, then I went to Blue, and bought three blue sound systems for $1,347, then I went to, and bought three Sony ss-cs5 for $660, then I went to, and bought three Audio WA7d Fireflies Duo for $3, 597.
Then I went to, and bought three Audeze LCD-XC headphones for $5,397, then I went to, and bought three Senheiser Momentum On-Ear headphones, for $540, then I went to, and I bought three Astell &Kern AK240 for $7,500, then I went to, and I bought three Pono for $1,200, then I went to, and I bought one UHD HU9000 for $6,000.
Then I went to, and I bought three Body for $447. I clicked on the one day shipping on each one, and then signed out. Soto, Justin, and I went to our second class, and today wasn't that bad, I finally got my character to stay together. I finished my work before the bell rang, and then we back to our dorm room. I signed back on my PSP and went to, and I bought me The Phantom Two-Tone set for $289 plus the shipping and handling, then I bought The Phantom Rose Gold for $289 plus the shipping and handling, then I bought Daniel Steiger Alphagraph Diamond for $178 plus shipping and handling, then I bought The Equinox Collection for $249 plus shipping and handling, and then I clicked on the one day shipping, then I signed out, and sat on the couch and waited until the next class.
When our next class came, Justin did a lot better of staying awake, even did better on the work.
When class ended, I texted Selena, Miley, and Demi, and said, "Can I have your emailing address for Skype."
They texted back, giving them to me, and then I made a Skype account, and then added them, and each of them sent me a message.
The one from Selena said, "I thought I wouldn't get to talk to you again."
I said, "Ah ma. Don't act like that, do you want me to make you feel better."
While she was writing back, I read the one from Demi, and she said, "Hey. I thought you didn't like me anymore."
I said, "I'll always like you, even if we're friends."
She said, "Aww, well I gotta go."
Selena said, "How you gonna do that?"
I sent her a video call, and waited for her to answer, then she accepted, and I waved.
She waved back, I looked at Miley's message and it said, "Hey it's good to hear from you. If I wasn't with Patrick, then would we ever get together?"
I said, "Of course."
Miley said, "Sweet. But it would only be for a week."
I said, "Why's that?"
She said, "Well after that week, I'll be ready for Patrick again."
I said, "Okay."
I started talking to Selena, and we talked about when we first dated, and I could tell that she was a little bummed that we didn't get to see each other, and then she told me that she was happy that we got to talk at my cousin's parties. I agreed, and when it came of time, I told her I had to sign off, but I'd miss her, and she said she'd miss me also. Before we got off, she wanted to show me something, and when I nodded, she pulled up her shirt, and I could see a red lace bra, and my mouth dropped.
She laughed and then said, "Today you get that, the next time, you'll get something better."
I said, "Okay."
I signed off, and went to my next class. Today Ms. Tiffany had us do pages 12-24, it was about The Most Dangerous Game. I payed attention and when I started reading it, it made me think of the movie The Pest. When class ended we headed back to the dorm room, and Harlene and Isabell came over, .and Isabell played with Colossus and by the end of the night, we tucked her in, and then we sat on the bed and talked about anything we could think of. When we got tired, we went to sleep.

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