Season 1, Episode 11

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I woke up, got out of bed, stretched, walked over to my closet and dresser, grabbed some fresh clothes, and walked into my bathroom. I set my clothes down on the counter, turned on the shower, took my boxers off, and jumped in. I washed my body first, and then when I was finished, I washed my hair. When all of the shampoo was rinsed out, I turned off the shower, grabbed my towel, and started drying off.
When I was dry, I grabbed the shaving cream, applied it to my face, and shaved off the stubble. When I rinsed off my face, I put my clothes on, put my watch on my wrist, applied on some cologne, and walked back into my room. Colossus was waiting by my door, and when I opened it, he came bounding out into the livingroom, and I walked towards the kitchen. I put food into his bowl, and then I made me some breakfast, and after I finished eating, I washed my dishes, and took Colossus out to use the bathroom. When he was finished, I brought him back into the room, I watched as he turn on the TV, and I smiled.
I watched as Justin, Dick, and Soto came out of thier rooms, and we headed to class. I kept my mind busy most of the day, wondering what Selena was up to, while I got my work done. When we went back to the dorm room, I watched shows with Colossus, or did some research, and then went back to classes all day. When classes we're finally over, I headed over to the football field, where Justin, Soto and I went to practice. We we're facing a team who was supposed to be really good, in the previous years, but we we're gonna change that. We we're gonna make it some our team won this year, instead of the other team. They're name was called Smallville Ravens.
I heard the team was good, because of a kid named Clark Kent. He was adopted at a very young age, he was raised by a family whose names, we're Johnathan and Martha Kent. From what I read online, Martha and Johnathan tried to concieve a child of thier own, before Clark came in, but it didn't work out for them. It struck me to be quite odd, because before his adoption, there was no trace of him. And there is usually files of some kind, but he didn't have any.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and I dialed the pizzia place. I got an order of the Meat Lovers choice, since Soto, Justin, and Dick had already ordered out, so I made sure Colossus and I had something to eat, since I didn't feel like cooking. When I hung up, I could hear a ringing noise and Colossus's barking coming from the livingroom. I stood up from my desk, and walked into the livingroom. I seen that Selena was calling me. I clicked answer, and her beautiful face appeared on my entire screen.
When she seen me, she smiled and said, "Hey handsome. How are you doing?"
I smiled, and said, "Better now, that your here."
She started to blush, and then she said, "What are your plans for today?"
I sat down on the couch, and said, while patting Colossus's head, "Well I was doing some research on the Smallville ravens, which led me to a further investigation in one of the members. I ordered some pizza. And then later, I was thining about going to see my Parents's grave. Maybe talk to them for a bit. I haven't done it in quite a while, so I figured that they wouldn't mind hearing what has been going on."
Selena said, "I'm sure they will love that. And I know how you can get, when you are doing research. I hope that person doesn't have anything to worry about. I hope they aren't hiding any secrets."
I laughed, and said, "They very well just might be."
Selena laughed, and said, "I miss you, by the way. My mom says hi as well. She has her thoughts about you, but they are mostly good. She keeps wondering why all i can think about is you."
I said, "I believe it's because you might be in love with me."
Selena started to blush again, and then she laughed and said, "Shut up. But I think you might be correct. I have fully realized that, you are all I want. You're all I think about, the person I want to be with, everyday and every night. I want to wake up next to you, I want to fall asleep, next to you, feeling your embrace while I sleep."
I said, "I can't wait for you to get back here."
At that, a knock came upon the door.
Selena said, "I wonder who that could be. Are you expecting anyone?"
I stood up, and while I walked over to the door, I said, "Just the pizzia delivery person."
I opened the door, and as I began to open it, I heard the call end.
When I opened the door, I seen a very beautiful woman who I was talking to on the phone, just a minute ago.
I said, "Damn, the pizzia delivery women get more beautiful everytime they deliver."
Selena laughed, and said, "Shut up goofball."
I pulled her in for a giant hug, after I grabbed the pizzia, so she didn't lose her grip on it.
When we pulled apart, she looked up at me, and smiled.
She said, "To answer your earlier question, I'm back right now."
I let go of her, so she could grab the pizzia, and I grabbed her bags, and we walked back inside. I set her bags on the floor in our room, and when I turned around, she was patting Colossus on his head.
She said, while standing up, "So who should I get plates for?"
I said, "Well it was just for me and Colossus, but since your here, you can get one for you as well. We don't mind."
Selena smiled, and said, "Okay. Do you want your usual on it?"
I said, "Of course."
Selena said, "Would it be okay if I joined you, when you go to your Parents graves?"
I said, "If that's what you honestly want to do, then I don't mind. Your company would be highly appreciated."
I watched as Selena smiled, and she was holding three plates, I quickly grabbed two, and I watched as she set Colossus's on the floor. She sat down next to me, I handed her, her plate,  which had pickles on it, and I smiled, and then we started to eat our food, while we watched TV. When we we're done, I grabbed all three plates, stood up, and walked into the kitchen. I washed them, and put them away. I then walked over to the front door, and Selena handed me my keys, i opened the door, and she, Colossus, and I walked out into the hallway.
We headed down the back stairwell, and over to my garage. I clicked the open button on the door, and we waited. When it opened, we walked in, I opened the passenger door to my Skyline, and Colossus got in first, and then after Selena got in, i shut the door. I walked around, to the driver side, and I watched as Selena reached over and opened my door. I got in, closed the door, and Selena reached over, putting her hand on my cheek, and when I looked at her, she kissed me.
When we pulled apart, I smiled, put the key into the ignition, started the engine, and backed up, out of the garage. When we we're out, I switched gears, and started driving to a store to grab something, before I drove to Wayne Manor. When we arrived, I parked on the road close to thier graves, and shut the engine off. We got out, and I grabbed the blanket from the back, and the bouquet of flowers from off the dashboard. I walked over to the gate that surrounded thier plot. I opened it, and I watched as Colossus sat down in front of thier graves.
I felt Selena wrap her arm in mine, and we walked over next to Colossus, and I laid down the blanket, and Selena and I sat down on the blanket, I laid the flowers in-between thier graves. I told them everything that had happened recently, and after I had finished, I had to reassure to Selena that since she was now in my life, that I would not sleep with any more women. She was happy to hear it, and that she didn't mind that I had a couple of flings. After a while of just sitting there, we stood up, gathered our stuff, got back in the car, I drove back to the Campus, parked in my garage, shut the engine off, we headed inside, went to our room, got undressed, got into bed, I shut the light off, Selena cuddled into my body, and we went to sleep.

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