Season 1, Episode 6

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I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, and when I got dressed, Selena crawled up to my back, pulled me down, and placed a kiss on my mouth, then she got up, and went into the bathroom. I put one of my watches on, and went into the kitchen, put food in Colossus's bowl, then I took him out to use the bathroom. When we got back in, I sat on the couch, and then Selena came out of the kitchen with a plate of waffles.
She sat next to me, and then she would eat a little, and then feed me a little, and sometimes she would tease me with the food. Some of the syrup would land on my nose, and she would clean it off. Then Soto and Justin came out of thier rooms, and one sat on the chair, and the other sat next to Selena. I turned on the T.V. and Colossus came out of the kitchen, and started watching NCIS.
Justin and Soto thanked me for the new stuff, I nodded, and said, "I'm planning on buying five new cars to take up the other spots in the garage. I have them already picked out, I just need drivers. The first is a Porsche 918 Spyder, the second is a Lamborghini Veneno, the third is a Dodge SRT Division, that will be my custom car, the fourth is a Laferrari, and the last is a Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Squadra Corse. I want to make sure these cars don't get scratched. Soto, I want you to drive the Lamborghini Veneno. Justin, I want you to drive the Laferrari. Selena, I want you to drive the  Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Squadra Corse. I'm getting the Dodge SRT Division, because I still have to customize it, and then I'll have someone who looks trustworthy to get the Porsche 918 Spyder."
Justin said, "Are you sure about that Bruce, a total stranger driving one of your new cars?"
I said, "I can look for a trustworthy guy and make sure no scratches come across it, because I'll have Colossus's watch him."
They all said, and Colossus barked, "Okay."
I walked out into the main hall, and watched everyone walk by, and when I seen this dude, I yelled for him to come over and he did, but he looked a little scared. This person was dressed in some decent clothes, enough to know he lived a standard life style, and he looked like he was trying to attend this college. He honestly looked like he had a life like mine.
Like he was struggling to keep going, forcing himself, to keep walking the path, his parents sent him on. I motioned with my hand for him to follow, and we headed up to the dorm room.
He said, "If your gay, then I don't want anything from you."
I told him to be quiet, he did, when we got into my living room, he stopped at the door, and when he seen Selena, he came bounding in like some weird kid about to join the gymnastics.
He said, "Selena, I am a huge fan, and I would like your Autograph."
I said, "Be quiet and hold your tongue, that will be given to you later. Right now, what is your name?"
He said, "Richard Grayson. But I prefer to be called Dick."
I said, "Okay. Well Dick, we have a proposition for you."
He said, "What's that?"
I said, "I will give you a credit card, that is a copy of mine, that will deactivate after tomorrow. You will go buy me a Porsche 918 Spyder, and you will not spend the card on anything else. Then once the car is bought, you will drive it back here, to my garage that says Bruce Wayne, and bring the keys to this dorm room. There better be no scratches either."
Dick said, "What will I get besides an Autograph, if I do this?"
I smiled and said, "You will get to live here. Justin will get you a schedule, so you can go to classes, and Soto will take you to get some better clothes then what you have now."
He nodded, I handed out four duplicate credit cards to everyone, and I said, "Oh and Dick. My dog will be keeping an eye on you to make sure you do everything right."
Everyone left the room, Selena and I got in one car, and Soto, Justin, Dick, and Colossus got in the other. We drove to all the car shops, I dropped Selena off, when she seen her car, and I drove to the Dodge car lot.
When I spotted my car, I called my cousin and told him to come and take my car back to the college. I gave him the address to where I was, and hit the end button.
I got out of my car, and went inside. I went up to the receptionist, and told her I wanted to buy the Dodge SRT Division, I paid for it, waited until my cousin got there, pointed at my 1967 Chevy Impala, and he drove it back to campus. I got in my Dodge SRT Division, and headed to a body shop. I showed them a picture of what I wanted my car upgraded to, and they nodded. I sat there for four hours and then one of the workers drove my car out, and it looked fantastic. The hood had a Baby Symbol carved in, the grill had a couple bat symbols carved in, the inside of the the car was black, the windows tinted black, the neon lights under the car we're black.
The guy said that the neon lights could be changed to any color I wanted, and then under the trunk lid, was a collegue of Batman and his enemies everywhere. I paid the guy, and drove my car back home, put it in the garage, I seen all my cars that I wanted in a spot, and they weren't scratched. I was happy. I went inside, grabbed the mail and headed up to the dorm room. When I got there, everyone was sitting on the furniture, and when I walked in the door, Selena ran up to me and kissed me.
I kissed her back, Colossus came running over, I bent down, patted him on the head, and he walked away smiling.
I said, "I see every car is here, and none are scratched. Thank you everyone."
They nodded, and then I said, "Dick. Thanks for your cooperation, and Soto will knock down that last wall, and you will have your own room. Everything else will take place tomorrow."
Dick said, "Thanks."
I said, "I'm going to bed, because I'm beat."
I headed into my room, layed on the bed, a couple minutes later, Selena came in, layed her head on my chest, and we went to sleep.

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