Season 1, Episode 9

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I woke up, slid out of bed, stretched, walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower, pulled my boxers off, and got in. I began washing up, and then after I finished with my body, I watched as Miley walked up to the glass door, opened it, and walked in. She sat down on the lip of the tub, she had me get down, and she grabbed my head and guided it to her labia again.
I began sucking, and licking on her pussy, until I brought her to three more climaxes, and then when I was finished, I helped her up, and I helped wash her body. When we we're done, I reached out, grabbed two towels, and we began drying off. We put the damp towels in the hamper, and we walked into my room. I put on some fresh clothes, while she put on her bra and panties.
I said, "Stay in here. I'll make you some breakfast."
Miley smiled and said, "That sounds perfect."
I nodded, Colossus and I walked out of my room, and towards the kitchen. I put some food in his bowel, and fresh water, and then I started making breakfast for Miley and I. When Colossus was finished, he walked over to the front door, and started tapping on it. I put the finished breakfast on two plates, walked over to the front door, and opened it. I took him out to use the bathroom, and then when we came back in, I watched as he walked over to the living room, and turned on the T.V. I grabbed both plates, and headed back into my room. I shut the door, sat down beside Miley, and we began to eat our food. We started talking about everything he had put her through, while we ate, and I was there for her while she needed a friend. When we we're finally finished with our food, I grabbed them, stood up, walked out of my room, walked over to the kitchen, set them in the sink, and walked over to Colossus, patted his head, and walked back into my room. I seen that Miley had turned on the T.V, and she had picked a movie for us to watch. It was Joe Dirt.
I layed down beside her, propped one arm under my pillow, and the other around her body, so I could massage her arm with my thumb. A while into the movie, she ended up rolling over, and slipped under the blanket, and I could feel as she pulled my boxers down, and started licking and sucking on my shaft, bringing it to full mast.
She really tried her hardest to get me to climax, but it didn't work again.
She pulled the blanket over her head, and asked, "Am I doing something wrong?"
I looked down at her, framed her face with my hand, massaging her cheek with my thumb, and I said, "No. I just don't climax during head. It's never been my thing. I like it, just never climaxed."
Miley frowned, and I said, "It'll be okay. I know you want to. But that's why I make sure I get you to climax with my mouth, and him. So that at least I can make you feel good."
Miley climbed up, laying her breasts on my chest, my hard cock just inches from her labia, where I could feel the heat radiating off of it.
She said, "So what you're saying is, since you can't climax during you getting head, you have worked on your skills in other places."
I said, while my member bounced up and down, "Exactly."
She smiled, and I watched as she placed her hands on the bed, and she scooted up the bed even more, just until I could feel her pussy lips rub against him, and I watched and felt as she grabbed him, and guided him inside of her.
She arched her back, making gasps, and then she began moaning while she bounced up and down on him, with her breasts bouncing up and down. I placed my hands on her nipples, and I played with her buds while she gave herself pleasure from my tool, and I felt her nipples become hard. After a couple of climaxes, I picked her up, placing my hands under her thighs, and I carried her over to my bare wall, where I placed her back against it, and I began lifting my arms up and down, while I continued to give her pleasure. She wrapped her arms around me, and she began feverishly kissing me, while I brought her to two more climaxes. When I felt good and ready, I let my own flow inside of her, and then I set her down, and helped her back over to the bed.
I put my boxers back on, walked out to the kitchen, and I made us dinner. When I was finished, I took Colossus back out to use the bathroom, and then I put food in his bowel, and brought Miley and my food back into my room. We ate while we finished the movie, and then when we got finished, I brought the plates back into the kitchen, walked back into my room, left the door ajar, and sat back down in the bed.
Miley said, "Damn, that was awesome. I've never been fucked like that."
I said, "It comes in handy to have muscles."
Miley smiled and said, "It really does."
She wrapped her arms around my waist, and I said, "So no pictures today?"
Miley laughed, and said, "No. I took plenty yesterday. I'm gonna send them tomorrow, so I can make him extremely jealous."
I laughed and said, "Well hopefully it works. It'll treat him right, to flirt and cheat on you."
Miley said, "What about you? Why aren't you with anyone? With what kind of pleasure you love to give women, you should be making someone or a lot of women happy."
I said, "I do have someone, I'm just waiting on her to realize, that I'm the one she wants. She's away right now, and I know when she gets back, that we'll be a thing."
Miley said, "That's romantic. I wish I had a guy like you. But instead I got a liar and a cheater."
I said, "You'll find him. And when that time comes, you'll never want him to leave. You both will cherish each other, and never hurt one another. No cheating. No lying. And especially no pictures to make them jealous."
Miley laughed, and we continued to watch Joe Dirt. A while later, Colossus came in, ready to go to bed, and I watched as he shut the door, and then I heard him lay down. I could feel a sleeping Miley still laying her head on my chest, as her her own was pushing in and out, showing me that she was breathing. I layed there, looking at the ceiling for a bit, just wondering why people have those bumps in their ceiling, that I've always thought they we're ugly as hell. I finally reached over to turn the light off, and when it became dark in the room, I put my arm back under my pillow, I closed my eyes, and I went to sleep.

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